A message from Patrick Swayze

Seems like we are hearing in the news a lot these days of celebrities that die. The most recent is that this week, Patrick Swayze died. If Patrick could send you a message from beyond the grave, I believe the message would be “choose heaven!”

You see, according to the Bible it is appointed once for man to die and then the judgment. Accordingly, Patrick’s place in eternity is now set. He is either in heaven or hell. Forever!

If Patrick is in heaven, then his message to you would be, “choose heaven, it’s a wonderful place, come and join me.” If he is in hell, then I believe his message to you would be, “choose heaven. I am in hell and it is a horrible place, don’t come here.”

In Luke 16:19-31, the Rich man begs Abraham to send Lazarus back from the dead to warn his brothers about hell. “And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house” (Luke 16:27)

So the message is the same from the Rich man and from Lazarus.

Now, it is not anyone’s place to judge where a particular man may be after he dies. However, we can look at what they did and said and what they believed.

Swayze said, “religion is a melting pot … Bhudha, Mohammed … are all important in my world” Patrick Swayze in this video.

Swayze is quoted on his IMDB page as saying, “I have a great deal of faith in faith; if you believe something strongly enough, it becomes true for you.” No it does not! No matter how much you believe 2+2 is 5, it is still 4. What’s TRUE is TRUE whether you believe it or NOT!

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 ESV)

Patrick’s fate is secure. Don’t make the same mistake that he seemingly made. Choose wisely where you will spend eternity. Choose heaven!

Consider again the question. What is 2+2?

Answer: 4

For this simple math problem there is one right answer and an infinite number of wrong answers. You can believe with all your heart that the answer is five. You’d be wrong!

Here is another question. What happens when a person dies? Like the math problem, there can only be one true answer. The other millions of answers are false.

The Bible says it is appointed once for man to die and then face judgment based on God’s standards, the Ten Commandments. Let’s take a quick test to see how you do!

•Ever told a lie?

•Ever stolen anything?

•Ever used God’s name as a curse word? That’s blasphemy!

•Ever hated anyone or called them a fool? God calls that murder.

•Ever lusted after another person? That’s adultery!

Would you be innocent or guilty?

Would you spend eternity in heaven or hell?

Remember it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or these standards. It only matters what is true. God does not want you to go to hell. He sent his son Jesus to live a perfect life for you. Jesus died on the cross for you and rose from the dead. The Bible says if you repent and trust in Jesus then you will have eternal life. It does not matter what you believe about eternity, only what is true!

Please visit www.AfterLifeCatalog.com/true/ and listen to the message and look at other evidence about the Jesus’ claims of being God. Then, repent and trust Jesus while you still have time!

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