Bezeugen Tract Club – February 2025

How did you do with last months 21 Day Challenge? Did you complete the challenge yourself? Did you read the Gospel of John a chapter a day? I like to complete the challenge every month on the first to twenty first of each month. As I share the Gospel with people I encourage them to do the challenge. The reason why is stated in John 20:31, “these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” As we go out to share the Gospel that is the ultimate goal, that others would “have life in His name”.

Just as people often think of New Year Resoltutions in January, when people think of February their mind often turns to Valentine’s Day. It’s a season of love. Yes, it’s typically about romantic love. Yet without God we could never know what love is. The Bible speaks much about love (see 1 John, 1 Corinthians 13, etc). In 1 John 3:16 we read that in love “Jesus laid down his life for us”.

Therefore in February we invite you to use the enclosed tracts to share the love of Jesus with those you meet. The red John 3:16 tracts have been popular for years not only at Valentines Day, but throughout the year. They are one of our most requested tracts. The XOXO tract was introduced last year and takes a new direction with the popular hugs and kisses theme.

One of our tract club members recently sent us a tract display he put up at his church. You can request extra tracts and then get a business card holder from an office supply store or order one on Amazon and then you can also do something similar at your church. We have ordered this one from Amazon before and it works well. 

 Here is how it looks:

Until next month. Be faithful and bold to share the Gospel everyday “as you go”! If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club you can enroll online and receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month.

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