Bezeugen Tract Club – October 2024

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. (Luke 10:2)

This month the Bezeugen Tract Club is 16 years old! In October 2008 we sent out the first mailing to around 100 people. Since then we have been mailing 30 free Gospel tracts to whoever will hand them out all across the United States and Canada. To date Bezeugen Ministries has printed more than ten million Gospel tracts. But this distribution would not be possible, without you, the workers that the Lord has sent into out.

Steve Sanchez is the pastor of Solid Rock Bible Church in Johnson City, Texas. He created the Everyday Club. Steve creates a daily devotion that he shares via text message and on his Facebook account. On April 2, 2024 I received the following via text:

CELL PHONE ALARMS WENT OFF THROUGHOUT THE ROOM AT 10:02. It was at an Elders’ meeting in 2016, a reminder to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers.

Set your alarm for 10:02. Every day. Why? After 2,000 years, there’s still a need for faithful Christian workers. Why isn’t every Christian serving?

Since God granted Christians everlasting life you’d think they’d be more than willing to give some of their time and talent toward eternal things. 
Nope. Children’s church is understaffed.  The media people have little help.
The sound guy might as well live on a desert island. And that’s IN the church where help is needed!

Jesus is saying that we need to pray for workers OUTSIDE the four walls of our building! Yet whenever a pastor preaches about the lost dying and going to Hell, or the 4 billion around the world who have not yet heard of Jesus, the message falls on deaf ears.

Those who have ears to hear will always give the pastor an earful about how he talks too much about outreach. Or they’ll say that they don’t have the gift of evangelism. Or it isn’t their job.
What are you willing to do for Jesus? Anything?

Immediately upon reading the text, I set my alarm for 10:02 AM on a recurring schedule. Will you set your alarm for 10:02 as a reminder to pray to the Lord for workers?

As a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club you’ve committed to sharing the Gospel everyday (or at least 30 times per month) using the tracts that we send you. You could multiply this five or ten times, by referring your friends and asking them to enroll. Challenge them to get 30 free Gospel tracts per month and start handing them out as well. Refer them to enroll online at “enroll dot tract dot club” (

On October 19th a group from Bezeugen Ministries will be sharing the Gospel at the State Fair of Texas. As you’ve set your alarm for 10:02, would you keep this outreach in your prayers daily leading up to the event. The outreach is in conjunction with State Fair Gospel who has a booth on the midway at the fair grounds where hundreds of thousands of people will pass by.

This month we are enclosing some popular tracts for October including “The Great Pumpkin” for Halloween and The Cancer Awareness tract to coincide with the month long awareness. The and sites have information on how to use these tracts.

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, you can enroll online and receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month.

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