Bezeugen Tract Club – September 2024

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

This is the 192nd mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club. Since October 2008 we have sent monthly mailings across the United States and Canada. These envelopes have supplied millions of Gospel tracts to reach the lost. We pray as we go into our seventeenth year that every tract is distributed and more people are saved as a result.

The goal of the Bezeugen Tract Club is to equip you with tracts so you can share one each day “as you go”. Sometimes maybe you don’t leave home, so then you can share two the next day. We share challenges daily on our social media to provide new and creative ways to share the tracts. We hope that sometimes handing out tracts will lead to conversations to share the Gospel verbally.

We are enclosing some of our most popular tracts this month. As you hand them out please consider sharing your experiences on our social media and the Everyday Club.

We have found that an easy way to hand out a Gospel tract is simply to hand it to someone and ask the question “did you get one of these?” Notice that we don’t ask “do you want one of these?” because most people don’t want to take anything from anyone. But by asking if they got one, then either they already have one or else they will generally take it.

Once they take it they might ask “what is it?” At this point I’ll simply state “it’s a Gospel tract.” Now people might say “thanks” or they might just have a puzzled look on their face. In that case I’ll follow up with “are you familiar with the Gospel?” If they say yes, I’ll ask “have you been born again?” Jesus said in John 3 that unless a man is born again he will not see the Kingdom of God. So while people might be familiar with the Gospel, they might even attend church, but unless they are born again they are not saved.

This leads to the opportunity to share the Gospel with them. And if they don’t want to talk, just encourage them to read the back of the card when they have a chance. If they have more questions you can give them a bookmark and encourage them to read through the ten questions and ten Bible verses. The past few tract club letters go into more detail on how to effectively use the bookmarks.

Thank you for being a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club. Who do you know that you could encourage to share the Gospel everyday? How about a family member, friend or someone at church? Please tell them about us. The website to enroll is easy to remember. On a web browser just type in “enroll dot tract dot club”. Once they fill out the form, they will receive 30 free Gospel tracts per month too!

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, you can enroll online and received 30 free Gospel tracts per month.

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