New online donation site

Bezeugen Ministries has updated its online donation processing. We now accept credit cards via online donation. We appreciate any donations to support the work of the ministry. Your financial support helps keep the Bezeugen Tract Club free and provides thousands of tracts per month across the United States and Canada.

In addition, to cash donations to fund the ministry or requesting extra tracts, bookmarks, and million dollar bills, there are also options to receive an As You Go Band, Bezeugen pen, tract wallet, or tract rolodex.

For all the details for donating via check or online please visit our donation page. Bezeugen Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. Donations receipts are issued from the United States and are deductible as per United States Law.

Donate to request Tracts

Donate to request Million Dollar Bills
Donate to request Tract Rolodex
Donate to request Tract Wallet
Donate to request pen
Donate to receive As You Go band
Donate to receive bookmarks
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