Bezeugen Tract Club – September 2022

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Thank You… On October 23, 2013 we received this comment on the As You Go BLOG, “I just had an idea for a tract, one that I would certainly use a lot ….. what about putting “Thank you!” on the front, so that it could be handed to a cashier, or given out when responding to a kindness, or in a “thank you” card? On the back perhaps a connection for all that we have been given thru Christ’s sacrifice, or some such connection…..? Such a card would be very handy to give on many, many occasions. Just a thought…. “ Read the full story

Football Trivia – People love to show how much they know about the things they think they know about. Football is no exception. Even if you don’t know anything about football, you can confidently ask people these questions and tell them if they are right or wrong without looking at the back. How? The back of all our trivia cards is the same. In other words, they all have answers A, B, C, B in that order. Quiz people. Have fun. But be sure to ask the last question and then share the Gospel with them. I’ve done this while witnessing at football games. But I’ve also done it standing in line at the post office!

Created to Do — Hard to believe I am quoting from a BLOG post written 11 years ago when I say, “Several years ago, … I recorded Pastor Biggs speaking on what he calls “God Sized Questions” or GSQ’s.  … As you watch this video, you’ll hear Pastor Biggs mention asking someone a question “are you doing today what you were created to do?” I’ve used that question many times in witnessing to people. In fact, one day after I first heard Pastor reference this, I challenged my friends at lunch to use this question in witnessing to people that day at the mall.” Read the rest of the article and how it went asking this question at the mall all on our website.

Number of days — this tract is designed around an interesting question. Which of these two people have lived more of their life. The quick answer is to say the person who is older. But, if he 70 and lives 30 more years he has only lived 70% of his life. Meanwhile the young man could die tomorrow and hence has lived 100% of his life. Often when talking to young people they say something to the effect that they will think about eternity, death, religion someday. But what if that someday never comes. The Bible says that God has “numbered our days”. Hence we must be ready sooner, rather than later! 

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