Rather than a guest writer this month, I am sharing an experience relayed to me by a good friend and tract club member Chris Fox. I had the opportunity to introduce him and some others to door to door evangelism a few years ago. While I visiting Ohio and Kentucky we did a day long event in Cincinnati where we had some training and then went door to door sharing the Gospel. After lunch I presented the Basic Evangelism Training Seminar at his church, and we ended the day with an outreach outside the church where the community was hosting a bike race.
Fast forward to this week. Chris sent me a Facebook message that said, “I have a quick question about door to door for you. What do you do with people that said come back and see us do you do follow up and how did that work?” I replied and explained that yes, I would follow up with them. I suggested that if they want follow up then get their phone number and ask when is a good time to call. I shared with him about a case while going door to door I had someone ask about some supposed contradiction in the Bible. So I did some research, found an article that explained his misunderstanding, and then mailed them the material.
I’ve found follow-up to be tricky. Sometimes people are sincere, ask questions and have a real desire to talk more. Sometimes, they are just wasting your time. It takes prayer, wisdom, and discernment to make sure we are not “casting our pearls before swing”. One night while sharing the Gospel at a concert a man asked a lot of questions. I gave him my business card and suggested he call or email. I never heard from him, but I did get to share the Gospel with 100’s more people that night.
Chris told me that his men’s group was going through David Platt’s “Something needs to change” and began brainstorming about what else they could do to reach the area for Christ. Since they were already handing out a lot of tracts, standing on street corners with signs, and doing open air preaching. He and Doug Otting decided to start going door to door. At the time of this writing, they have been to over 600 houses in six months. A pace of 1000 houses per year. That’s encouraging!
Is the Lord calling you to reach your neighborhood with the Gospel door to door. On our website you’ll find more information, training, and testimonials. We also have a supply of door hangers on hand. If you’d like some we will send 50 for a $15 donation. Go to thttp://donate.bezeugen.org/ to donate with PayPal and make your request. For larger quantities please contact us.
We made several videos with testimonials of those who went door to door that day for the first time as well as some door to door training. More information about this months mailing including links to YouTube videos referenced above is available online.