Got Extra Tracts

The COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic made it’s way to the United States and Canada in early 2020. We had to make some adjustments to our process of packing the envelopes for the Bezeugen Tract Club. But, despite the pandemic, the tract club mailings have gone out every month. We are extremely thankful for our volunteers who have packed these envelopes so that we can send them out each month. We are back to meeting in person now to pack the envelopes as a group. That is a real blessing as we love the fellowship of the group meeting together to do God’s work!

While we have been able to keep sending the tracts, we also realize that some of our members lives have been literally turned upside down and are not getting out as much as they had been previously. Therefore, some of our members have become overstocked on tracts. If that’s your case, here are some ideas for you:

First, it is now possible to receive the Bezeugen Tract Club monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. If you select bi-monthly then you’ll receive tracts in January, March, May, July, September, and November. If you select quarterly then you’ll receive the January, April, July, and October mailings. To select bi-weekly or quarterly mailing please renew your membership online and select the frequency you’d like to receive the tracts. Simply go to renew dot tract dot club, that’s

Second, you could mail tracts to family and friends. Write a letter to a family member and share a tract with them. If they are not yet a Christian, then simply say something like “I received this card and it made me think of you. Would you read it and let me know your thoughts of it?” If they are a believer, send them 3-5 tracts and ask them to hand them out. Let them know that if they’d like to receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month they can enroll online at enroll dot tract dot club – that’s

Third, you can mail them in business reply envelopes. Do you get those credit card applications in the mail? Put a tract in the business reply envelope and send it back.

Finally, share them with others are your church. Most churches have a table in the fellowship hall or near the sanctuary. Ask you pastor if you could put tracts there and encourage people to take them and hand them out.

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