NFL Experience

The NFL Experience is an interactive show for NFL Fans. It is set up at the Dallas Convention Center in preparation for the Super Bowl. As I understand it, there is an estimate that 250,000 people will attend this event in the ten days that it will be open. Today we headed to the Dallas Convention Center to do some recon prior to next weekends Super Bowl Outreach and also to preach the Gospel, hand out tracts and witness one on one.

The recon was a big success. Thanks to the organizers, they have only one entrance and exit to the event. The exit actually routes people back by the entrance. So there are some good areas to stand outside and preach to the people who are waiting in line to get in and also a steady flow of people coming out. We walked all the way around the convention center checking out where parking is, where the flow of foot traffic goes, etc. We got a good lay of the land for next weekend. We handed out tracts as we went. Had some one on one conversations too. And we talked to a couple of security guards and policemen to confirm where the entrances to the place are.

Wayne pointed out this funny photo op. The police car says “Serving since…” down the side. But since the door was open, it says “serving sin”. Funny!

Preaching the Gospel

Wayne, Jay and I spent about three hours outside the the NFL Experience. We estimate that we handed out at least 2,000 Gospel tracts. We had a number of one on one conversations. I used the Lie Detector to strike up some conversations. I preached the Gospel to the line. Then I read the book of 1 John in the open air. I am planning to read through the New Testament in the open air during 2011. Two books down.

Wayne got this neat picture where you can see me preaching in the reflection of the building.

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One Response to NFL Experience

  1. Paula says:

    VERY COOL picture! Looking forward to hearing the glory stories from your time next week…my husband and son are joining you! 🙂

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