Lifestyle Evangelism and Friendship Evangelism: Defined!

Lifestyle evangelism & friendship evangelism 
Here are two terms for evangelism that in my opinion have crept into the churchat large and have in a sense, been adopted as doctrine. They have given the body of Christ (the church) an excuse to be almostsilent about their faith in Jesus Christ and consequently have caused the church to be complacent & lethargic in regards to their witness for Christ. What a shame.
Here are the biblical definitions for these two terms.
Lifestyle evangelism … An individual who has made it his lifestyle to evangelize. One who has entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ through repentance & faith and because of his gratitude and love for Christ, with the help of the Holy Spirit has determined to tell others about his gift of eternal life and the indescribable relationship that he now has with his Lord & Savior. See: Acts 4:31-33, Acts 8:26-40, Matt 9:35 See: Also in any typical bible, countless other examples. 
Friendship evangelism… One who is very friendly when he tells others about about the relationship that he has with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is also very friendly when he tells others how they can escape the judgement of a Holy God, have eternal life and likewise, enter into a relationship with God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. See: Acts: 10:42-48, Acts 16:30-32, Matt 10:5-15, See: Also in any typical bible, countless other examples.   
Thanks to Todd for providing this article!
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