Will you join us as we SPREAD the Gospel? In 2009, I started going door to door in the city of Carrollton, TX. Since then we have been to around 3,000 doors in this city. We have also supplied door hangers to about 30 groups to get started in their city. I don’t have record if those cities are still going regularly or not. A few months ago, Todd, started a group going door to door in Denton, TX. We are working on regular Saturday schedules each month to do door to door evangelism in Carrollton and Denton. We call this Carrollton for Christ and Denton for Christ respectively. This is all part of our Pray, Learn, Go strategy. We also have an acronym, SPREAD, for this door to door campaign. That is SPREAD as in a fire!
- S trategize / Have a plan to map out and pray before going to each street, before and after our mission.
- P ray / Plead and pray hard to the Lord for the souls that we will be speaking to before and after our encounters.
- R ally / Come together and ask the Lord to bring workers into His harvest.
- E quip / Teach the abc’s about presenting the gospel and have on the job training for our fellow evangelists.
- A ctivate / Go for it! We must be instruments for our Lord to preach the gospel! Time is short, let’s redeem it!
- D illigence / We must stay committed to our mission. This is not temporary intervention. Our Commander and Chief, the Lord Jesus has commissioned us!
I am praying that our efforts will not sweep just Carrollton & Denton for Christ but the nation and the world! This is a model that can be utilized in every city for the cause of Christ! Will you “adopt a city for Christ”? How about your city? Will you commit to going to each door in your city and sharing the Gospel?
Will you join us as we S.P.R.E.A.D. the Gospel door to door? We have developed a new door hanger for us in the door to door ministry. We will make these available to order directly from our printer, or in quantities of 100 with a donation to the ministry to cover our costs. Are you interested? The new door hanger is based on our bookmark tract and also offers a free booklet which we are making available.
You can preview the new door hanger below.
Will you join us?
Will you adopt your city to share the Gospel door to door?
We simply ask you to pray about joining us. Thursday, January 3rd is the First Thursday of the month (and year). We will have our First Thursday prayer meeting. You can use this time to pray for our nation, leaders and revival. Also pray for direction and for God to raise up workers in your city.
The next part is to learn. We have a simple and effective approach to door to door evangelism. You can check out the video training.
Third is to Go! Will you commit one Saturday morning per month to going door to door to share the Gospel? Set a schedule and then GO! We typically meet for breakfast, fellowship and prayer around 8AM and then go knock on doors starting at 9AM.
Will you adopt your city for Christ? We previously have supplied door hangers to over 30 cities across the US and Canada. I will be contacting these people to see if they have interest in this.
If you are interested in participating, then please contact us.