One of our donors has offered a $2,012 matching fund for donations made to Bezeugen between now and the end of 2012. As you plan your year end giving, please prayerfully consider donating to Bezeugen. All money received is used for the furtherance of the Gospel.
Each month we mail 1000 envelopes each containing 30 tracts to households around the US and Canada. Your donations will help to make these Bezeugen Tract Club mailings FREE to all of our members.
In addition, we buy tracts, Bibles, books, bottles of water and other items to use at outreaches around the Dallas area.
As the Lord leads and provides funds, we are also able to provide our two-hour Basic Evangelism Training Seminar around North Texas and across the country. Your donations could help bring this seminar to another city to empower more people to be BOLD, and overcome their FEAR of sharing the Gospel.
We thank you for your prayerful consideration.
You can make a donation online or by sending a check.