Bezeugen Tract Club – March 2025

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

This article is from the 198th mailing of the Bezeugen tract Club. If you are not already a member and would like to receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month you can enroll online.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in the news a lot. ChatGPT, CoPilot, Grok, and Gemini are all what is referred to as “Gen AI” or “Generative AI”. This means that based on a prompt, they can generate a response. That response is able to cull through all of the information on the Internet, which is nearly all of the information known to man. Compare this with a generic  “web search engine” like Google, that process returns a web page which contains the key words you were looking for. GenAI is great at summarizing the vast amounts of data out there into meaningful information. Now, you do have to take what it tells you with a grain of salt sometimes, because it’s response might be skewed to represent bias of whoever programmed the AI in the first place.

I’ve used the ChatGPT, CoPilot and Grok alongside my Bible study as a way to quickly look up something. For example I can ask Grok ”what does John 3:16 mean?” and within a couple seconds information will be flowing on my phone summarizing thousands of years of information about this Bible verse. This can save time of looking up in a study Bible or a commentary. But it might not completely replace any of those other resources.

So, what about when it comes to sharing the Gospel. We often say that when we talk to people we will start in the natural and then swing to the spiritual. You’ll notice that most of the tracts we send have something to do with the natural realm on the front. Then on the back there is a transition to the Gospel message. These tracts have been developed by years of experience of personal evangelism over hundreds and thousands of conversations. I’ve often thought I could transition a conversation from anything to the Gospel.

Recently we got some interesting feedback from one of our tract club members who sent an email that said “ If I ever received a taco theme tract I would leave those at mexican restaurants.” So I started to think what this tract might look like. Maybe “Let’s Taco Bout the Gospel” on the front with a picture of a taco? But what would the transition be?

So off to ChatGPT to ask “How can I transition a conversation from tacos to the gospel”. To which it replied:

Transitioning from a casual topic like tacos to the gospel can be done smoothly and naturally. Here’s an example of how to guide the conversation:

· Find a Connection: Look for a way to relate tacos to a spiritual truth. For example: “Tacos are so good, but you know what’s even better? Knowing that God provides us with everything, including food and the hope of eternal life.”

· Use Gratitude: Shift to gratitude as a bridge: “I’m so thankful for simple joys like tacos. It reminds me how God gives us so many blessings. Have you ever thought about where all our blessings come from?”

· Talk About Satisfaction: Use the idea of satisfaction as a metaphor: “Tacos can really hit the spot when you’re hungry. It makes me think about how Jesus said He’s the bread of life—only He can truly satisfy our deepest hunger.”

· Share Your Own Experience: Relate it to your faith story: “I remember how I used to chase after things to make me happy—like food, fun, and friends—but nothing satisfied me until I understood what Jesus offers. Have you ever felt that way?”

· Ask Questions: Engage the person thoughtfully: “Tacos are great, but have you ever thought about what really satisfies your soul?”

By keeping it conversational, warm, and relevant, you can guide the discussion toward the gospel naturally.

Grok and CoPilot return something similar. I am not saying that every answer is good to use in the real world. Use your judgement. Compare what the AI is telling you verses your knowledge of the Bible. If a case fits, we’d love to hear how you use AI in sharing the Gospel. Post it in the Everyday Club, tag us on social media, or email us how it goes. We’d love to hear from you.

I can neither confirm nor deny that we are now working on a “Taco Tract”. But maybe you’ll see one in a future mailing! In the meantime, enclosed you’ll find your monthly supply of tracts. Some are themed specifically for this month.  For more information on this months mailing

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Bezeugen Tract Club – February 2025

How did you do with last months 21 Day Challenge? Did you complete the challenge yourself? Did you read the Gospel of John a chapter a day? I like to complete the challenge every month on the first to twenty first of each month. As I share the Gospel with people I encourage them to do the challenge. The reason why is stated in John 20:31, “these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” As we go out to share the Gospel that is the ultimate goal, that others would “have life in His name”.

Just as people often think of New Year Resoltutions in January, when people think of February their mind often turns to Valentine’s Day. It’s a season of love. Yes, it’s typically about romantic love. Yet without God we could never know what love is. The Bible speaks much about love (see 1 John, 1 Corinthians 13, etc). In 1 John 3:16 we read that in love “Jesus laid down his life for us”.

Therefore in February we invite you to use the enclosed tracts to share the love of Jesus with those you meet. The red John 3:16 tracts have been popular for years not only at Valentines Day, but throughout the year. They are one of our most requested tracts. The XOXO tract was introduced last year and takes a new direction with the popular hugs and kisses theme.

One of our tract club members recently sent us a tract display he put up at his church. You can request extra tracts and then get a business card holder from an office supply store or order one on Amazon and then you can also do something similar at your church. We have ordered this one from Amazon before and it works well. 

 Here is how it looks:

Until next month. Be faithful and bold to share the Gospel everyday “as you go”! If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club you can enroll online and receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month.

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Bezeugen Tract Club – January 2025 (196th Mailing)

These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also. (Acts 17:6)

Happy New Year! Many people start a new year making resolutions. Those same people mostly fail at keeping them. The most common resolutions have to do with losing weight and eating more healthy. But by February, gym memberships are unused and equipment is for sale on Facebook Marketplace for half price.

A few years ago we created the 21 Day Challenge tract. So rather than a resolution to get healthy, How about challenging people to a more realistic goal; to read the Gospel of John in 21 days. That’s just one chapter a day. What if you challenged someone you meet to read the Gospel of John and then meet back with them weekly to see how it went for them?

Want a loftier goal? How about reading through the whole Bible in a year!

What if every member of the Bezeugen Tract Club were to refer another member this month? Our membership would double. In the course of 2025 twice as many tracts would be sent out. Twice as many people would hear the Gospel. Yet, surprisingly we get more members from Internet Search and social media, than word of mouth from family and friends. Ask your family and friends to enroll online at “enroll dot tract dot club” that’s

What if every member of the Bezeugen Tract Club were to pray for all of their family and friends that don’t know Jesus? How many names would be on your list? One, ten, a hundred? While witnessing to close family and friends can be hard, maybe you can just give them (or mail them) one of the tracts in this mailing. Tell them something like “someone sent me this, I was wondering what you think of it”.

In Acts 17:6 it says that the early church “turned the world upside down”.  Let’s make 2025 the year to share the Gospel every day, reach the lost for Christ, and turn our corner of the world upside down.

Enclosed is a newly redesigned What Does the Bible say bookmark. The challenge to read the Gospel of John, followed by Acts, Romans and James is included on the back As you witness to people, share the bookmark with them and then encourage them to read the Bible. Romans 10:17 tells us that “faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ”. So if someone will commit to reading the Bible then God can work on them!

As you read each chapter of the Gospel of John, put a check next to the chapter:

___ John 1      ___ John 2      ___ John 3      ___ John 4      ___ John 5      ___ John 6

___ John 7      ___ John 8      ___ John 9      ___ John 10    ___ John 11    ___ John 12

___ John 13    ___ John 14    ___ John 15    ___ John 16    ___ John 17    ___ John 18

___ John 19    ___ John 20    ___ John 21

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club and receiving 30 free Gospel Tracts per month you can enroll online

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Bezeugen Tract Club – December 2024

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

As we approach the end of 2024 a generous supporter of Bezeugen has offered to match all donations up to a total of $2024.  That means that you can double your impact in reaching people with the Gospel.  All you need to do is make a donation in November or December and Mande will take care of the rest!  A tract club membership costs Bezeugen approx. $30 per member per year.  Your donations can go farther in covering these costs by taking advantage of this matching opportunity. 

I was in Dallas at the West End witnessing and I asked Shawn if he would spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. “Hell”, came the response. I was a little shocked, because in all my years of sharing the Gospel with people, few will admit it, even after sharing the Law with them. Yet, Shawn was convinced he was going to Hell even before we talked about any of the Ten Commandments. So I asked, “does that concern you?” The response came back, “No”. He went on to explain that he didn’t think anyone would miss him when he is gone. He told me about broken relationships with his mom, his sister, and his brothers. His mom blamed him for things that had happened to the family.

Sadly, as we head towards Christmas, Shawn’s story is probably not unique. And if a complete stranger will tell me these things within a minute of meeting him, imagine how many other hurting people are out there that need some hope.

I told Shawn that regardless of his family situation and those broken relationships, that there is a God who loves Him. This God loves him so much that he already has paid the price for his eternity in Heaven. I didn’t have to really ask him about the Ten Commandments, because he already had said he thought he was going to Hell. So instead I simply said, that we all deserve to go to Hell because we have lied, stolen, hated, and/or looked with lust. He could relate.

I gave him an earthly courtroom example. Let’s say you broke four laws of the city (of Dallas). You stand before the judge and get sentenced to life in prison or a million dollar fine. Do you have a million dollars? “No”, came the response. I went on by continuing with, what if as the bailiff was leading you out to prison, someone you didn’t even know came in and handed the judge a million dollars saying “I’d like to pay Shawn’s fine”. The judge looks at you and says “your fine has been paid in full, you are free to go”. How would that make you feel?

Grateful! Yes, and that is just a small picture of the Gospel. Hell is far worse than life in prison. Jesus paid the fine so you can have eternal life.

I told Shawn that I’d be praying for him to accept Jesus’ payment for his sin. I also told him I’d be praying for reconciliation with his family. Will you join me in praying for Shawn to receive faith in Jesus and be granted eternal life with us in Heaven? Thank you!

Do you think you can share this message with 30 people before Christmas? There are thirty Gospel tracts enclosed. What about 100 or more people? We have extra Christmas tracts available by donation.

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, you can enroll online and receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month.

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Bezeugen Tract Club – November 2024

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. (Luke 10:2)

As we approach the end of 2024 a generous supporter of Bezeugen has offered to match all donations up to a total of $2024.  That means that you can double your impact in reaching people with the Gospel.  All you need to do is make a donation in November or December and Mande will take care of the rest!  A tract club membership costs Bezeugen approx. $30 per member per year.  Your donations can go farther in covering these costs by taking advantage of this matching opportunity. You can make a donation online.

This is the 194th mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club.

Recently I was in the Dallas West End sharing the Gospel. Several of us from Bezeugen Ministries have been going to this location for many years. If you are not familiar with the area, it is in downtown Dallas where the light rail and the bus lines come together. There are always people coming and going because it is either their final destination, or they are transferring from a train to a bus or vice versa. You also see a large variety of people. Some are tourists. Some are businessmen. Some are homeless. Since we’ve been going to the same location for more than a decade, sometimes we see some of the same people.

I consider Gospel tracts a kind of bait for fishing. Afterall, Jesus said he would make us fishers of men. Fishermen don’t drop a plain hook in the water. They put bait on the hook. The fish is attracted to the bait and then it is caught by the hook. The parallel is not exactly the same, but it works. If I take a stack of tracts and hand one to each person saying “did you get one of these?” most people will take one. Some will say, “what is it?”. Just like that there is a fish on the line.

Once someone is interested in talking, I’ll often ask the person “do you know how to get to Heaven from here?” I get every response to this. “I’m good” and then walk away. Religion. Works. Etc. But one man the other day started preaching the Gospel back to me. He was talking about sin, Jesus death and resurrection, the need for repentance and faith. It was a joyful time to listen to God’s word! He tried to give the tract back to me. But I encouraged him to keep it and “share it with someone else”. I hope and pray that he did.

Sometimes, however, when someone asks “what is this?” they do not know the way to Heaven. This is a great opportunity to explain it to them. This is where the Ten Commandments can help. Ask them if they think they have been good enough to go to Heaven, based on the Ten Commandments? I normally start with “how many lies have you told in your lifetime?” Recently someone told me “many lies”. So then I asked, using his own words, “what do you call someone who has told many lies?” I’m looking for them to admit and actually call themselves a liar. Then move on to “have you killed anyone?” But you can stop them before they answer and say “in Matthew 5, Jesus says if you even hate your brother or call them a fool, you’ve already murdered them in you heart”? Same with asking about adultery. Once you have a couple yes’s, then it’s time to ask about judgement. “Bob, by your own admission you are a lying, thieving, murderous, adulterer at heart. When you die, should God reward you in Heaven, or punish you in Hell?” People don’t like to think of themselves as destined for Hell so they will come up with all kinds of excuses. But once they understand their destiny, then it’s time for good news. “What if you stood before a judge and we sentenced to life in prison or pay a million dollar fine?” Mostly I’d ask this if I am sure the person doesn’t have a million dollars. If they might, then make in ten million or hundred million. Then go on “Someone you don’t even know walks in and offers to pay the fine, how would you feel?” The only real answer is grateful. And that is a picture of the Gospel!

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, receiving 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month, you can enroll online.

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Bezeugen Tract Club – October 2024

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. (Luke 10:2)

This month the Bezeugen Tract Club is 16 years old! In October 2008 we sent out the first mailing to around 100 people. Since then we have been mailing 30 free Gospel tracts to whoever will hand them out all across the United States and Canada. To date Bezeugen Ministries has printed more than ten million Gospel tracts. But this distribution would not be possible, without you, the workers that the Lord has sent into out.

Steve Sanchez is the pastor of Solid Rock Bible Church in Johnson City, Texas. He created the Everyday Club. Steve creates a daily devotion that he shares via text message and on his Facebook account. On April 2, 2024 I received the following via text:

CELL PHONE ALARMS WENT OFF THROUGHOUT THE ROOM AT 10:02. It was at an Elders’ meeting in 2016, a reminder to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers.

Set your alarm for 10:02. Every day. Why? After 2,000 years, there’s still a need for faithful Christian workers. Why isn’t every Christian serving?

Since God granted Christians everlasting life you’d think they’d be more than willing to give some of their time and talent toward eternal things. 
Nope. Children’s church is understaffed.  The media people have little help.
The sound guy might as well live on a desert island. And that’s IN the church where help is needed!

Jesus is saying that we need to pray for workers OUTSIDE the four walls of our building! Yet whenever a pastor preaches about the lost dying and going to Hell, or the 4 billion around the world who have not yet heard of Jesus, the message falls on deaf ears.

Those who have ears to hear will always give the pastor an earful about how he talks too much about outreach. Or they’ll say that they don’t have the gift of evangelism. Or it isn’t their job.
What are you willing to do for Jesus? Anything?

Immediately upon reading the text, I set my alarm for 10:02 AM on a recurring schedule. Will you set your alarm for 10:02 as a reminder to pray to the Lord for workers?

As a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club you’ve committed to sharing the Gospel everyday (or at least 30 times per month) using the tracts that we send you. You could multiply this five or ten times, by referring your friends and asking them to enroll. Challenge them to get 30 free Gospel tracts per month and start handing them out as well. Refer them to enroll online at “enroll dot tract dot club” (

On October 19th a group from Bezeugen Ministries will be sharing the Gospel at the State Fair of Texas. As you’ve set your alarm for 10:02, would you keep this outreach in your prayers daily leading up to the event. The outreach is in conjunction with State Fair Gospel who has a booth on the midway at the fair grounds where hundreds of thousands of people will pass by.

This month we are enclosing some popular tracts for October including “The Great Pumpkin” for Halloween and The Cancer Awareness tract to coincide with the month long awareness. The and sites have information on how to use these tracts.

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, you can enroll online and receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month.

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Bezeugen Tract Club – September 2024

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

This is the 192nd mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club. Since October 2008 we have sent monthly mailings across the United States and Canada. These envelopes have supplied millions of Gospel tracts to reach the lost. We pray as we go into our seventeenth year that every tract is distributed and more people are saved as a result.

The goal of the Bezeugen Tract Club is to equip you with tracts so you can share one each day “as you go”. Sometimes maybe you don’t leave home, so then you can share two the next day. We share challenges daily on our social media to provide new and creative ways to share the tracts. We hope that sometimes handing out tracts will lead to conversations to share the Gospel verbally.

We are enclosing some of our most popular tracts this month. As you hand them out please consider sharing your experiences on our social media and the Everyday Club.

We have found that an easy way to hand out a Gospel tract is simply to hand it to someone and ask the question “did you get one of these?” Notice that we don’t ask “do you want one of these?” because most people don’t want to take anything from anyone. But by asking if they got one, then either they already have one or else they will generally take it.

Once they take it they might ask “what is it?” At this point I’ll simply state “it’s a Gospel tract.” Now people might say “thanks” or they might just have a puzzled look on their face. In that case I’ll follow up with “are you familiar with the Gospel?” If they say yes, I’ll ask “have you been born again?” Jesus said in John 3 that unless a man is born again he will not see the Kingdom of God. So while people might be familiar with the Gospel, they might even attend church, but unless they are born again they are not saved.

This leads to the opportunity to share the Gospel with them. And if they don’t want to talk, just encourage them to read the back of the card when they have a chance. If they have more questions you can give them a bookmark and encourage them to read through the ten questions and ten Bible verses. The past few tract club letters go into more detail on how to effectively use the bookmarks.

Thank you for being a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club. Who do you know that you could encourage to share the Gospel everyday? How about a family member, friend or someone at church? Please tell them about us. The website to enroll is easy to remember. On a web browser just type in “enroll dot tract dot club”. Once they fill out the form, they will receive 30 free Gospel tracts per month too!

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, you can enroll online and received 30 free Gospel tracts per month.

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Bezeugen Tract Club – August 2024

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

John 3:36

Starting in March we have provided information on how to use the enclosed bookmarks to share the Gospel one on one in a conversation with someone. If you have missed any of those letters or would like to review the letters are posted on this blog. This month we wrap up covering the final two questions on the bookmark.

If you remember from last month we were witnessing to an imaginary guy we called “Joe”. So ask Joe to read John 3:36 and answer the question “What if you die without Jesus?” He should answer something like “God’s wrath remains on me”. Most people are familiar with John 3:16 and cling to the eternal life part. But they skip right over the “perish” part. Here, just 20 verses later, it is much clearer that belief and obedience are connected, and perish is not just going in the ground, but facing God’s wrath—for eternity!

Now ask Joe to read Mark 1:15 (Jesus said “repent and believe in the gospel”)  and then ask him “How will you respond?” If the Holy Spirit has convicted him of his sin and worked faith in him he might say “repent and believe the gospel”. He might say, “I have a lot to think about”. He might say “I don’t believe any of this”.

Regardless of Joe’s response, congratulations! You have shared the Gospel with Joe! Ask him to review the questions and Bible verses again on his own. Ask him to read the rest of the tract which quickly summaries what was discussed over the information from the last six Bezeugen Tract Club letters. Encourage him to go to and read the additional explanation provided there. Most of all encourage  him to read the Bible daily. The bookmark suggests a chapter of John, Acts, Romans and James a day. This takes seven weeks. You could invite him to meet you for coffee once a week for further discussion of these chapters, answer his questions, and discipleship.

As we wrap up this series we hope you are encouraged to engage people one on one with the Gospel. The ten questions and Bible references on the bookmark. Consider committing these verses and questions to memory. It will help you in sharing the Gospel. You can read the story of the bookmark tract.

We also have videos with more information about witnessing in general and using the bookmark specifically on your YouTube channel. Make it a habit to constantly learn how to better share the Gospel. Then you’ll be prepared every day as you meet people and be able to witness to them.

We are enclosing some of our most popular tracts this month. As you hand them out please consider sharing your experiences on our social media and the Everyday Club.

If you are not already enrolled in the Bezeugen Tract Club to receive 30 FREE gospel tracts you can enroll online.

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Bezeugen Tract Club – July 2024

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

We are enclosing a new tract from One Million Tracts titled “Jesus Changed my life ask me how”.  Please share in the Every Day Club or on our Social Media how the new tract is received.

The last two months we delved into the Ten Commandments and God’s judgment as a means to show a person that they have sinned before God and will be guilty on judgment day. If you missed these letters, please go online to and read them.

The enclosed Uncle Sam tract is a good reminder of the Ten Commandments. You see James Montgomery Flag drew the original painting in a mirror as a reflection of himself to save money of hiring a model. Similarly, the Law, Ten Commandments, acts as a mirror to show a man his sin.

When we left off last month, we left the person hanging under judgment understanding they are guilty of breaking God’s law and deserve eternity in Hell. We don’t want to leave a conversation here, but we ran out of room in that letter. Now that the person understands their predicament, they are ready to hear the good news—The Gospel!

Ask them to read 2 Peter 3:9 and then ask them the next question “does God want you to go to Hell?” In this case, the answer is simply, “No”. God wants all men to reach repentance, (and be saved).

Unless the person really does not understand this, you can move on and have them read 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. This is referred to as the Gospel in a nutshell. Ask them “What has God done for you?”

Now take as much time as you need to explain the verse and the Gospel. According to these verses there are three things. He died, was buried and was raised (from the dead)! You’ll also notice that he appeared to people after he was raised from the dead. Now it also says that this was done in “accordance with the Scriptures”. What this means is that there is prophecy (events predicted before they happened) that pointed to Jesus doing these things and proving that He is who He claimed to be: namely God. This is an area for future study to show that the Bible is true and that Jesus is who He claimed to be. 

You can now move on to a verse they are sure to know. Ask them to read John 3:16 and then ask them “How much does God love you?” It can be very impactful to have them put their name in the verse. For example if you are talking to Joe, then it would read “God so loved Joe the he gave his only Son, so that if Joe believes in him Joe should not perish but Joe should have eternal life.”

Ask Joe, can you see that God loves you? Again a simple Yes should suffice. At this point we have covered eight of the ten questions and Bible verses. Next month we will wrap up this series and cover the last two questions. Has this helped you share the Gospel? Have you witnessed to someone with this help?

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club you can enroll online and receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month.

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Bezeugen Tract Club – June 2024

But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderer, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

This month we are sending some of our most popular tracts. June closes out the 2024 primaries. While the presidential nominations might already be set, voting is important especially for state and local races. The Repent and Believe tract is themed for election hand out!

We have also included our popular Free Indeed, Are You Ready and Thank You Gospel tracts. Make sure not to leave home without your tracts and make a practice of handing out one every day! Want more encouragement? Join the Everyday Club on Facebook to connect with other tract club members, receiving daily tract challenges, share your commitment, and share your experiences.

For the past three months we have been explaining how to use the bookmarks that are included with each monthly mailing. On Rumble or YouTube you can find our Basic Evangelism Training Seminar. Around the one hour thirty three minute mark we describe the full use of the bookmark. I encourage you to check out the entire video, but at least the ten minutes that describe using the bookmark.

Last month we walked people though the Ten Commandments winding up with reminding them that by their own admission they are a “lying thieving, murderous, adulterer at heart”.

Now ask them to read Revelation 21:8 and ask them to answer the question “Where will you spend eternity—Heaven or Hell?” There should be an immediate connection between admitting they are a liar and liars being listed in Revelation 21:8 being destined for Hell. They might say it is just one lie. So there are a couple of things to focus on. First, we know from Psalm 51:4 that all sin is against God. If a dad lies to his child the child will come to not trust him. If a man lies to his wife, he will likely sleep on the couch. If he lies to his boss, he may be fired. And if he lies to the government, he may end up in prison. Same sin. Different outcome. The Bible says “all liars will have their place in the lake of fire” because it is against God. Similarly you can explain the other commandments with examples like this. Maybe they have not murdered. But Jesus says hatred is committing murder in the heart (Matthew 5:21-26). Maybe they have not committed adultery, but looking with lust is having already committed the act in the heart (Matthew 5:27-30).

God’s standard is so high He even judges our thought life. By the end of this point the person should understand that they are standing guilty before God. We don’t want to leave the person hanging here, but it is all the room we have in this letter. Now that the person understands their predicament, they are ready to hear the good news—Gospel!

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, you can enroll online and receive 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month.

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