Business Cards
August 7, 2011tract distribution
Where ever there are business card holders, that’s a good place to share the Gospel. These good news / bad news cards were left at the service cashier at the Honda dealer!
August 7, 2011tract distribution
Where ever there are business card holders, that’s a good place to share the Gospel. These good news / bad news cards were left at the service cashier at the Honda dealer!
This is an interesting article from the Pocket Testament League that provides 92 ways to share the Gospel. They are specifically talking about handing out the Gospel of John. However, most if not all of these ideas would apply to handing out Gospel tracts “as you go”. Try them!
August 1, 2011tract distribution
Hotels are great places to share tracts. You can leave them on counters or tables in the lobby for others to find.
July 29, 2011tract distribution
At the local Fuzzy’s Tacos they have tables with plexi-glass on the top. People put their business cards in there. So I add tracts!
We have had a couple of people call us from receiving tracts on these tables. And I have even had the opportunity to lead a couple of kids to Christ from leaving these tracts there!
The chop stick holders make a nice place to leave a tract!
I encourage you to read this article. It addresses the question of “what we do for evangelism” and fits perfectly with the nature of this blog – to share the Gospel – As You Go!
July 20, 2011tract distribution
Waiting rooms at the doctor’s office is a great place to distribute tracts. As Jerry Seinfeld says, “there is no chance of not waiting, that is why it is called a waiting room.”
While waiting, I like to put tracts into the magazines.
Starting spiritual conversations at work is easy with our Gospel tract mugs. Just carry the mug to a meeting or leave it sit on your desk. Since bringing up God in the workplace can be frowned upon. Let these mugs peak people’s curiosity so that they are the ones bringing it up.
One of our tract club members sent me this picture of a tract he left at the pump for the next person to find!
I went to the market to pick up some noodles so my wife could make lasagna. At the checkout there was this nice little card holder to put tracts in. I also gave tracts to the people in line, and the cashier. On the way out there was a bulletin board with jobs and other public announcements so I left a few tracts there as well.