The 3rd Annual #DailyTractChallenge Scavenger Hunt – Scott’s Report

I had a great time participating in the 3rd Annual #DailyTractChallenge Scavenger Hunt yesterday, meeting 26 of the 28 daily tract challenges for January. I only missed the burgundy shirt and headphones or earbuds. I met Gary in the foyer at Walmart. He asked me for change. I gave him the million dollar eye test tract. He had already received a ministry card earlier. A man has gave him a New Testament, also. I told him that God was reaching out to him. I talked with Jerry and a man who was wearing black outside. Jerry was homeless. They both took a Seinfeld million. I gave out two Spanish Yolo tracts; one went to a woman who asked me to get tortillas for her which were on the top shelf. Cornell took a tract when he was behind me at the pharmacy. My last tract went to Demetrius at the laundry mat. He was wearing a white shirt.