Parades Are Great Events To Witness At As You Go!

Saturday, January 30, 2016Mardi Gras Parade Outreach – Jan. 30, 2016



We had a great time of evangelism at the Mardi Gras parade in Monroe this evening. Bro. Charles McGuire, my two sons, and myself gave out around 2000 tracts from 4:30 to 6:30. We saw several people that we knew. We had a few rejects. One man said “We go to church, but we don’t believe like y’all do.” A woman who Bro. Charles gave a Yolo tract to said that she had got one last year. Bro. Charles was wearing his Vietnam vet hat which opened up conversations for him and several people thanking him for his service. My highlight conversation was with Alex and Eric who were students from Turkey. Eric said that he wanted to shake my hand for what we were doing. He said that his friends would be angry, but he liked the way we were witnessing. I told him and Alex an illustration from Hell’s Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort. Please pray for fruit to come from what was done!