Day 150705: Bookmark at the Race Trac
July 5, 2015#DailyTractChallenge, Bookmark, July 2015
We went to see the movie Faith of Our Fathers. Highly recommended by the way. And if you could take a friend that needs to hear they Gospel, they will hear it! At the theater I handed out a number of tracts to two cashiers, the ticket taker and the cashier at the snack bar. The ticket taker didn’t get the “joke” when I said “here is MyCard to get in” and handed him the new MyCard tract (coming soon to the Bezeugen Tract Club). I then handed him my actual tickets. And he handed the tract back with the stubs.
After the movie we refilled out @Sodapalooza cups at Race Trac and i handed a Patriotic Bookmark from the July mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club to one of the other customers. The woman’s adult daughter was very appreciate as was the woman. I offered to go to the car to get another bookmark for the woman’s daughter, but she said that was not necessary.