Day 9: A little taste of Hawaii
June 10, 2015As You Go, June 2015, tract distribution
A friend referred us to a new snow cone place. It’s about 25 miles from home. But, I thought it would be a fun date with my wife. So we drove out to check it out. The place has a whole Hawaiian theme where even the names of all the flavors are in Hawaiian so I actually had no idea what I was ordering. Both owners were there and one of them told me all about the place and why he had opened it. He got the Thank You tract from the June mailing. He said he would keep it in his wallet! The other owner and several of those that were working there got Thank You tracts too!
As we were leaving, the sun was setting and we could see a beautiful sunset. So I my wife and I had a little chuckle like we had been on a trip to Hawaii! Need to do that someday. I bet we could share the Gospel with a lot of people on the trip!
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