Tracts For July
June 8, 2013As You Go, one on one, strategy, tract distribution
In the July supply you will find these tracts: 2 + 2, the texting tract, Are You A Good American, and the new one that asks the question “On a scale of 0 to 100, how certain are you that you will go to heaven?” After we went open-air preaching and witnessing Friday night, I gave the new one to a woman @ the Burger King drive-thru. When she read the front, she said that she didn’t know. I gave the Are You A Good American? to a Vietnamese man at Fred’s when I saw him at the check out with 4th of July decorations. This is a great tract for this month because of the patriotism that is presented in the celebration of the 4th. When I give this one to someone, I ask “Did you get your 4th of July tract? I’ll say “Here’s your 4th of July Gospel tract. Have a good 4th!” This one will go well at a firework display and where fireworks are sold. Antonio seemed very appreciative when I gave him one tonight at Walmart. I also gave one to Troy, the new worker at our Dollar General. There are displays in stores going up for the holiday. I placed one in front of American flag plates on a shelf in Walmart. Anywhere you will find an American flag will be inviting you to leave this tract there. Take advantage of the freedom that we have to share our faith! Jesus gave us freedom so that we can tell others that they can be set free also!