Friday Night Before Easter

I gave away the rest of the Hoppy Easter tracts!

I had 20 Hoppy Easter tracts to give out. I wanted to put these in the hands of people. Walmart was the place that I met this goal! I also gave out several Mancard tracts at Ross and Walmart.One man was reading the Mancard while he was on his phone. I gave another one to a young man that had got one already at Sonic where he had brought me my order! My daughter helped me place a few of The Biggest Gamble tracts. As we were putting our groceries in our van, a young man asked me if I had a solid quarter for change. When he came back from his car, I gave him the quarter along with a Are You A Good Person tract. He told me that he did church at home, but then said that he feared that he was going to burn in hell. He had listened to rock music and told his friends that he denounced God, but he really didn’t mean it. I told him that it wasnt too late for him. We talked about the new birth. I gave him a Get Out Of Hell Free tract, also. Please pray for Dillon. I hope the next time I see him, he tells me that he has been saved!