tract distribution

tract distribution

Day 22 – I got to go to the dentist


Today I got to go to the dentist. Just a regular cleaning appointment. But, did you notice that I said “got to?” That is something I learned from Mark Cahill in One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven. If you have not read Mark’s book(s) I highly recommend it (them). Mark mentions in the book that as a Christian we no longer need to think like “I have to give” or “I have to go to church” but rather “I get to …”

With that in mind, when I go to the dentist, I also get to hand out some tracts there. So, going to the dentist becomes a good thing in terms of the chance to share the Gospel.

I think I have already given tracts to just about everyone that works there at the dentists office. My two favorite places to leave tracts there are

  1. On the table outside of the door to the office
  2. In the magazines in the waiting room

So I left at least 8-10 tracts at the dentists office today!

Day 21 – soap dispenser


Today was a day that I hardly left the house except to have a business dinner with my company. So, I left a couple of Dallas Cowboys Football Trivia tracts on the soap dispensers in the restroom!

Day 19 – a few tracts


Got to hand out a few tracts today. One at sonic when I picked up lunch. And another with the tip at dinner!

Day 18 – Sonic

Football Trivia

Football Trivia Tract in the credit card slot at Sonic

On my trip to Sonic to get a cup of sweat tea I left a football trivia tract in the credit card slot.

Gave tracts to three employees in the automotive department that helped me. Also gave a tract to the cashier at Walmart. There was a group doing a fundraiser at the door of Walmart. So I went to the customer service to ask how to do the same since we’ve been wanting to have a pray table and have never gotten a return call from the manager. So I got the number of the person to talk too. Then I gave another tract to the guy working the customer service counter.

Day 15 – grocery store


I got to hand out at least a dozen tracts today.

First, at lunch, I gave a “good card” to the cashier and asked her to check it out after work. She said she would. We prayed for her when we blessed the food.

After work, I went to the grocery store to pick up a couple things so we could make dinner. I put a few tracts in the six packs of beer on my way back to the dairy section.

I gave a tract to the cashier and told her it has a Gospel message on the back. She thanked me for it.

Then as I left, there were apartment guide magazines on a rack by the door. I figured that people looking for an apartment would need a book mark. So I put tracts inside the apartment guides!

Day 14 – Starbucks


When I ordered my cup of coffee at Starbucks I offered the cashier a tract and said, “here is a gift for you, it has the Gospel message on the back.” She said thanks, took it and said she would read it after work.

Day 12 – waiting in line


I was waiting in line to use the rest room at a gas station. The guy in front of me had been there awhile when I walked up. He said he’d been waiting for over five minutes already. I said, “did you get one of these” and handed him a “reject the Gospel” tract.

He took the tract and said thanks and immediately began reading it. He read the front and the back. As I was about to ask him what he thought about it, he turned to me and said, “I guess I’ll use the rest room somewhere else down the road.” He put the tract in his pocket and left.

Interestingly, about 30 seconds after he left, the rest room freed up!

Day 11 – tracts


Handed out a number of tracts today. Gave a “Mormon/Muslim” tract to the attendant at the car wash. Then left a tract for the waiter at lunch.

I had to run to the grocery store to pick up a few things. Put tracts in the six packs of beer. Gave tracts to both people in front of me in the check out line.

Sometimes people I’ve talked to indicate they are afraid to give tracts to people in line. I gave the tracts and said, “there is. Gospel message on the back.” You know what happened? Both people said thank you for giving them the tract.

While waiting in line I put tracts in several of the magazines on the end cap. I figured that readers might need a bookmark.
Finally I gave a tract to the cashier!

Day 10 – hotel newspaper





At the hotel they put newspapers in front of each guest room. So I put a million dollar bill with each newspaper.

While at the hotel I also left tracts on the table and trash can on my floor. See pictures.

I love putting the reject the gospel tracts on trash cans.

Day 9 – running


When I went running this morning, I put a tract in my pocket. Determined to hand it out before I finished my run, I pulled it out, asked a guy “did you get one of these” and he took it.

Also gave tracts to the cashier at breakfast and another guy at the restaurant.

Want a good discussion starter? Ask people what they think about “the mosque at ground zero” or “the pastor who wants to burn the quran”. Everyone seems to have an opionion. The conversation inevitabily leads to the spiritual!