Day 150924: State Fair Prayer Meeting
September 24, 2015 Camo Card, Football Trivia, Fried at the Fair, September 2015, Tract Tracker
After work I drove to Fair Park for a come and go prayer meeting at the State Fair Gospel booth. For the past five years I have brought a team of laborers to the booth to share the Gospel one day of the 24 day State Fair. This year I will lead a team on October 17th. The fair kicks off on Friday, September 25th and runs through Sunday October 18th. An estimated 3.5 million visitors will attend the fair making it the largest state fair in the country and one of the largest witnessing venues you could imagine. A booth is setup on Nimitz Blvd across the street from a row of fried food vendors and just a few hundred feet from the historic Cotton Bowl stadium. Each day during the fair people will come up to the booth to take the Million Dollar Eye test, get diagnosed by a spiritual doctor and then hear the only cure is through the life giving blood of Jesus! Please keep this outreach in your prayers.
So as I left the prayer meeting I had the chance to talk to a few people. I gave a Fried at the Fair tract to one of the vendors who was testing their food setup. I gave a football trivia tract to one of the workers sitting in a golf card. And I gave camo cards(from the September mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club) to two guys who were from IBM and working on setting up the network for the coupon sales booth.