Play by the Rules

Day 150929: National Coffee Day


Stopped for coffee on the way to work. Gave a Play by the Rules to the cashier. Completed the #DailyTractChallenge for National Coffee Day!

Day 150927: Business Reply


I didn’t go anyplace today where I could share the Gospel with anyone. But I was sending a letter in the mail. So I included the Gospel and also put some Play by the Rules tracts into business reply envelopes and put them all in the mailbox.2015-09-28 05.56.13

Day 150922: Choose your gift


I decided to try something fun today. I posted a picture on Facebook of four tracts from the September mailing of the Bezeugen 2015-09-22 06.34.12tract Club and asked people to pick which one I should hand out. I got a couple of responses, but not until after my wife and I decided to go to a convenience store to purchase a drink of water. While we were there they had ice cream so I decided to have one! At the check out there were two cashiers. I think one was in training. I took the four tracts along with a fifth that will be in the November mailing and laid them out in front of the cashiers. I said, “I have a gift for yuo. You can pick which ever one of these you’d like.” She picked the cancer awareness saying that it was a really important message. He picked play by the rules. I quickly explained that they both are the same – based on the message on the back. They thanked me and we returned to the park to pick up our son from Cross Country practice.

At the park I checked the Facebook posts and there were comments to hand out a play by the rules. Done! But there was also a comment to hand out a Camo Card. So I went up to a guy in the park and said, “have you got your camo card?” He said no and I handed him one. This part is kind of funny, and nothing bad is meant by it, but a new tract we have is called the “MyCard”. You’ll see it in the November mailing of the Bezeugen tract Club. I jokingly hand it to people as if it is my business card. So after handing him the camo card, I looked at his girlfriend and said, “here is MyCard”. She laughed, took it and said thanks!

Day 150917: Choose your tract


I went to Fuzzy’s Taco Shop today for lunch. I held out three tracts (Cancer Awareness, 2015-09-17 12.52.02Play by the Rules and Camo Card) from the September mailing to the cashier and asked her to pick one. She looked at them and handed me the Camo Card back.  I said, i’ts fine if you want to keep two. She took the Camo Card back and looked it over a bit more. Then asked what they are about. I told her they all had the Gospel on the back. She smiled and said that was neat. I told her she could keep two if she wanted to and she could even give one of those away to someone else if she wanted to. So again she handed the Camo Card back and kept the other two!


As I ate my lunch I left a Football Trivia tract on the table!

Day 150910: Play by the Rules


Walked into the store to pick up a couple things for a lunch at work tomorrow. On the way into the store there was a game in the entry way. So I put an Play by the Rules tract near the controller of the game.

While at the store I also gave out a couple of Got Peace tracts.

Day 150909: Tip by the rules


I met a friend for lunch. When paying the bill I left a Play by the Rules tract with a generous tip.

Day 150907: Play by the Rule


I left a play by the rules tract at a gas pump while driving home from Oklahoma. Also handed out a number of Football Trivia tracts to people that I met today.