Car Crash

Day 150729: At the gas pump


I stopped to complete the #DailyTractChallenge at the local gas station. I broadcast it on Periscope. Then I put the last Two Cars Crashing tract from the July mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club into another pump next to me.

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Day 150728: Periscope


CaptureBezeugen Ministries is pleased to announce that we are now on Periscope! We have done several short broadcasts already. Today I broadcast in the morning announcing the daily tract challenge, that I had three tracts left for the month. Then in the evening I broadcast again showing the distribution of one of those three tracts – placing a two cars crashing tract into a case of beer. You can download Periscope for the iPhone or Android device and then follow @bezeugen for more updates.

I also completed the daily tract challenge by placing a tract onto this thank you balloon. The #DailyTractChallenge was to put a tract in a unique place!

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Day 150726: railing


We went for dinner at Chipotle. There

was a long line behind us. So I thought it would be fun to leave a tract on the railing and see if anyone would read it or take it. I left a two cars crashing tract. No one took it but several looked at it.

Also gave a Thank You tract to the cashier and left an Are You a Good Person tract near the soda machine.

Day 150725: Two cars crash


I went to the gas station to hand out a couple of tracts. Filled my car up while I was there. I left a Get Out of Hell Free card in the credit card slot of the pump. Whoops! Did you catch that? That Get Out of Hell Free card is not a tract from the July mailing!

I went inside with my son to refill our #Sodapalooza cups. On the way out a young man was getting into his car. I walked up to him and handed him a Two Cars Crashing tract and said, “excuse me, here is an interesting question for you.” He read it, looked at the picture and said, “I guess both drivers died.” So what happens next. I encouraged him to read it!

Later in the afternoon I took my son to see a movie. At the theater I gave “Thank You” tract to all the employees that I came in contact with!

Want to share the Gospel Everyday? You can get 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month by enrolling in the Bezeugen Tract Club.

Day 150723: Free Tea Day


There is a restaurant chain near our house called McAllisters Deli. They have the best sweet tea! 2015-07-23 17.46.59Today they had Free Tea Day! So I had to stop and give a Get Out of Hell Free tract in exchange for a cup of free tea!

Then it was off to VBS on the road Day Three. I got to share the Gospel with a couple people including handing out a Car Crash tract to one of the men in the parking lot. I asked if he knew the good news. He said no. So I shared the Gospel with him.

Day 150714 – Short Term Mission Trip


Went on a short term mission trip to the grocery store. Gave a “two cars” crashed Gospel tract to the cashier. Also picked up a few things that my wife needed while I was there.

Day 150713 – West End


One of my favorite fishing holes is the Dallas West End DART transit station. At this location the train and bus lines come together. Hundred or probably thousands of people pass through there in an hour changing from bus to train and train to bus. So it is very easy to just stand on the platform and hand out tracts. Eventually someone will say, “what is it?” and boom – you are into a conversation with them about Eternity! Today was no different. I handed out a few hundred tracts and had at least a dozen short conversations with people. I met several believers who I was able to share some encouraging words with. And shared the Gospel with several others.

With two young men I asked this question, “if you took two of these trains, ran them at 100mph directly into each other, what would happen next?” That lead to a great conversation about God creating everything. The both professed their faith in Jesus and we were all encouraged. I gave one of them the Two Cars Crashing tract from the July mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club.