Thank You

Day 150725: Two cars crash


I went to the gas station to hand out a couple of tracts. Filled my car up while I was there. I left a Get Out of Hell Free card in the credit card slot of the pump. Whoops! Did you catch that? That Get Out of Hell Free card is not a tract from the July mailing!

I went inside with my son to refill our #Sodapalooza cups. On the way out a young man was getting into his car. I walked up to him and handed him a Two Cars Crashing tract and said, “excuse me, here is an interesting question for you.” He read it, looked at the picture and said, “I guess both drivers died.” So what happens next. I encouraged him to read it!

Later in the afternoon I took my son to see a movie. At the theater I gave “Thank You” tract to all the employees that I came in contact with!

Want to share the Gospel Everyday? You can get 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month by enrolling in the Bezeugen Tract Club.

Day 150716 : Salt and Water


Got to hand out a number of tracts and talk to several people about Jesus today. On my way to work I had to stop by the post office. One the way back out another customer came in, so I handed her a Bucket List tract from the July mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club.

I got off of work early and met my wife for a date! We went to the movies and saw Inside Out. That was fun. At the theater I gave MyCard to three employees working at snack bar. They were all checking to see if they were good enough to go to Heaven. The ticket taker got a Ten Commandments tract. After the movie ended, when I came back out four employees were waiting to clean the theater. Three of them were standing against the wall and one was holding the door. I gave each of the three Camo Cards, Ten Commandments and Are You a Good Person respectively. The third one asked “what is it?” so I told them they are Gospel tracts. When I went to hand one to the guy holding the door he reminded me that he already got one at the snack bar!

After the movie it was off to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. I handed a Get Out of Hell Free card to the host who seated us. After2015-07-16 19.28.05 we sat down and placed our drink order one of the hostesses came over holding the Get Out of Hell Free card. She said, “you gave this to someone when you came in….” Kind of funny is I was thinking, “oh, no”, I am about to get reprimanded for handing out tracts. Then she said, “can I get one too?” I asked if she was a Christian and she said, “kind of”. So I gave her a Get Out of Hell Free Card and then gave her a few other tracts that i had with me.

Then she explained further, “my grandmother is a Jehovah’s Witness, can you tell me the difference between that and Christian?” I told her that the full explanation might take a little while, but I’d summarize. Then I gave her my card and invited her to call me and she and I and my wife could have a longer conversation about it.

I explained to her that Jesus must be God in order to be the perfect sacrifice to pay for the sins of the world. I told her that if he was not God, and was just a man, then he would not be perfect and His payment on the cross would not be sufficient. She nodded in agreement. Then I said, “the difference between Christian and Jehovahs Witness is that the JW deny the Deity of Jesus.” I explained to her that John 1:1 indicates that the word was God and that John 1:14 indicates the Word became flesh. So I said, “from these two verses it is clear that Jesus is God.” Again she nodded in agreement.

I then explained that the problem with the Jehovah’s Witnesses is that they have a translation of the Bible that adds one letter there in John 1:1 which says the word was “a” god. In essence they strip the Deity of Jesus with one letter.

Finally I explained to her that there are many “Jesus’s” and that people call them all the same as if they are both the same. I picked up the salt shaker and my glass of water. I told her, let’s say I tell you these are both water. Then I offer you a drink. Which would you want to drink from? She pointed to the water.  I said, in the same way, it is important to follow the true Jesus!

She thanked me for the conversation. I invited her to email or call and I’d provide her more information.

When we paid the bill I left a Thank You tract for the waitress!

Day 150710 – Mary Poppins


I drove to Oklahoma City after work and went to see Mary Poppins with my mom. En route I stopped at a visitor center near the11350913_1013959685281473_5511535084073488511_n Oklahoma border and one of the workers gave me some travel info. I said, “if you are giving me something, then I need to give you something too” and handed her a Bucket List tract from the July mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club.

At the Civic Center, I parked in a lot where I have parked before. I gave the parking attendant a Thank You tract. He gladly accepted it an even remembered getting one from me previously. I gave out several other tracts to some others at the show.

I was blessed to be able to spend the night with Brady and Trish Brewer. They are good friends and faithful witnesses for Christ sharing the Gospel in OKC! Brady and I have known each other since we met at Ambassadors Academy #10 in May 2009.

Day 30: Are You a Good Person


The last day of the month! I did it. A tract a day from the June mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club shared on this BLOG. I hope you have been encouraged. Would you like to do it yourself? Enroll in the Bezeugen Tract Club to get your 30 FREE Gospel tracts a month.

Now, you are probably saying to yourself, “wait a minute, Carl, you have not actually said anything about the 30th tract yet.” Ok. So I had a scheduled appointment with a contractor to come to my home. So I had to adjust my schedule to leave work and be home in time for him to come. This meant arriving at work early (no time to stop to share the Gospel) and working through a quick lunch at the office (no time to share the Gospel). So when I arrived home, I still had not yet handed out any tracts nor shared the Gospel with anyone much less, given out one of the tracts from the June mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club.

Plus…. I was intentionally saving the last one. To give to the contractor who was scheduled to come to my door.

I heard a knock on the door. Assuming it was him. But it wasn’t. It was a teenager asking if he could mow my lawn. I do that work myself, so I thanked him for coming and gave him one of our newly designed Thank You tracts. But I kept the last tract of the June mailing to give to the contractor.

He was coming.

Or was he.

Eventually it got late, I called the company. There had been some mistake in scheduling. He was not coming. They were going to have to reschedule.

Another knock on the door. I opened the door to see the UPS driver getting back into his truck. I called to him, “I have a gift for you…” he turned around and I handed him the last tract from the June mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club – the last Are You a Good Person tract!

Join me next month as I try again, this time trying to complete as many of the #DailyTractChallenge posts as possible.

Oh, the month of June did not end there. My wife and I had to go to the store. I asked the cashier if I

Coming Soon - Bezeugen Tract Club

Coming Soon – Bezeugen Tract Club

could pay with “MyCard”. It’s a fun new tract that is coming to a future mailing of the Bezeugen Tract Club. It works well at places you have to show your ID, make payment, or just introduce yourself. “Did you get My Card?” At the train station on Monday I was then explaining to people that “I am with the Department of Eternal Security and just wanted to see if they are good enough to go to Heaven?” That leads right into the Gospel. Would you like “MyCard” to hand out? Then join the Bezeugen Tract Club and they will be delivered to you in a future monthly mailing.

Here is a summary of how the 30 tracts were distributed. You can click the links on the dates to read that day’s BLOG article.

Tract Distributed Dates
What happens after #YOLO 7 of 7 4, 10, 11, 12, 18, 25, 28
Thank You 7 of 7 1, 2, 8, 9, 16, 19, 21
Are you a Good Person? 7 of 7 7,  13, 14, 20, 22, 29, 30
NASCAR Trivia 7 of 7 3, 5, 6, 15, 17, 23, 27
Bookmark 2 of 2 24, 26