Everyday Club

The Everyday Club Report For The Month Of September


Hi Everyday Club Members,
It’s time to report about how you have done in sharing your faith this past month. We would like to welcome you to the first Everyday Club report on the As You Go blog, where we encourage you to witness “As You Go”. For those of you who have posted on Pastor Steve Sanchez’ blog, we pray that we can be a blessing as well. I found out about the Bezeugen Tract Club through his blog. I have always used tracts, but I started giving out more when I joined the tract club. Pastor Steve’s postings about the use of the million dollar bills and his “E-Vangie Tales” have greatly encouraged me. So, how did you do in September? Did you meet your goals? Did you preach in the open air, go to a big event for tract distribution, or have some great one on ones? Please leave your comment. What a privilege we have to share our faith everyday!

Yours In Christ,
P.S. For more info on how The Everyday Club came to the As You Go blog, read here.

The Everyday Club


To join the Everyday Club go to the Facebook Group or MeWe Group and request membership!

On January 1, 2004, Pastor Steve Sanchez made a commitment to personally share the 2013-09-17 13.09.07Gospel everyday. This started a series of BLOG posts which he titled the Everyday Club where he invited other Christians to make a commitment to personal evangelism. Each person can commit to however much (or little) evangelism that they want to do. This evangelism comes in the form of handing out tracts, one on one conversations, going door to door and even open air preaching. The idea is to follow the Lord’s direction and share the Gospel Everyday!

A couple of years ago, Pastor Steve approach me about partnering together between the Bezeugen Tract Club and the Everyday Club. Since the Bezeugen Tract Club provides 30 FREE Gospel tracts per month, this equips people with the resources to be able to share the Gospel Everyday. The partnership worked out great and provided many mutual referrals. We have received a number of new tract club members due to the partnership. And I presume a number of our tract club members have also joined the accountability of the Everyday Club.

In September 2013, Pastor Steve announced that “Due to the changes in my life, specifically, my move to Texas to plant a church, I will not be moderating The Everyday Club.” While it saddened me to read this news, the Lord gave me an idea that we could pick up this club and run with it. Our ministry has adopted the acronym SPREAD where the E stands for Equip. But, I realized that the E also stands for “Everyday”! So after spending some time in prayer and then verifying the logisitcs, we have decided to move the Everyday Club to the Bezeugen Ministries As You Go BLOG!

What is The Everyday Club?

This is an evangelistic Club where you make a goal to share your faith everyday through tracts, personal witnessing or open air preaching. You make your own personal goal and report on it at the monthly Everyday Club post I write on the first of each month. The minimum goal would be to hand out one tract a day, but you can make whatever goal you want.

The Club’s purpose is to allow you an opportunity to set an evangelistic goal and monitor your progress and faithfulness to that goal. This is not a legalistic prescription or a vow; it’s simply a personal goal. Sometimes you will fall short, other times you’ll hit it.

My own personal goal is to share the Gospel Everyday with someone. Some days this might be to just hand out a single tract or have a brief conversation with someone. Other days this might be to take a group and go door to door, do a college campus outreach or do an outreach at a football game. Regardless, I simply want to be sharing my faith Everyday.

At Bezeugen Ministries we have adopted “As You Go” to mean to simply share the Gospel with people As You Go to the store, to school, to work, or simply As You Go about your day. This “As You Go” BLOG was created to provide simple ways to share the Gospel As You Go.

Today joining the Everyday Club is easier than ever. Simply go to the Everyday Club Facebook group or the Everyday Club on MeWe and request membership! Rather than monthly posts seeking comments, the Everyday Club is now a live group of people all across the United States and Canada reporting on their witnessing encounters and encouraging one another. You are welcome to join! If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, we encourage you to enroll so that you’ll get 30 FREE tracts a month from us!

Pastor Steve, we thank you for your commitment to share the Gospel Everyday. We thank you for the encouragement you have provided all of us over the years of running the Everyday Club. We pray that we can carry this on in the spirit of humility that you have layed forth for us!