Everyday Club

Everyday Club Report – August, 2015


Greetings Club Members,

July is behind us with the opportunities  that we had to share the Gospel with the lost. We pray that you had a great month. Many outreaches took place with the Fourth of July being a highlight. Let us know if you evangelized on the Fourth by leaving a comment with your monthly report.

Carl has been posting on the As You Go blog about his daily use of tracts for the tract club. We are also posting the daily tract challenges on the blog as well. Please visit the blog here.

We are now on Periscope, where live broadcast are done. To login in, you must have a Twitter account. We are broadcasting about what is taking place with Bezeugen Ministries. Live interaction is involved with the viewers.

We pray that you have a great August! Leave your report for July in the comments below the blog post. Keep reaching for the lost!

All For Souls,


The Everyday Club Report – June 2015


Greetings Members,

June is here with May behind us. How are you doing in your evangelism efforts? The Texas Rangers outreach took place on May 2 when the Rangers played the Oakland A’ s at Arlington stadium. Carl, Arnold , Jeremy Wroten, Donnie Lucky, students from Gospel For Asia, my two sons (Braylyn and Hayden) were there, giving out around 6,000 tracts.  

The NASCAR Tacing Trivia tract went out in this months mailing. This is a good tract to get your evangelism engine running in sharing the Gospel with racing fans!  

Check out our website @ http://bezeugen.org to see our links to all of our social media accounts. We are giving away 1,000 tracts when we reach 1,000 likes in our Facebook page. 500 will go to the 1,000th like and 500 to the one who refers that person. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. 

Please leave your report for May  below the post in the As You Go blog. Have a great June!

All For Souls, 


TheEveryday Club Report – May, 2015


Greetings Club Members, 

         April has come and gone. We pray that you had a great month of sharing your faith. With the weather warming up, there more opportunities to give out tracts, open air preach, and have one on ones.
         The new Camo Card tract arrived in the May tract club mailing. On the front reads the question “Can you hide from God?” This is a good tract to use to start a conversation. When giving this one out, we have asked “Have you got your Camo card ?” I like giving it to people who are wearing camouflage.
          The Texas Rangers Outreach takes place on May 2. Students from the Gospel For Asia school and several others will be joining us to share gospel to those who are going to the game.
           Please leave your report on how your month went below the post on the blog. We pray that you have a great May!
All For Souls,

Everyday Club – March 2015


Hard to believe it is already March! Soon March Madness will be upon us. In the meantime, as we wait for the weather to thaw out and turn to spring, there are still many people who have never heard the Gospel and if they died today would spend eternity in Hell. We have the Words of eternal life. Let’s boldly tell everyone we know and meet!

The goal of the Everyday Club is to make a personal commitment to daily evangelism and then share how you are doing on a daily basis with this group. We encourage you to post a comment below that indicates your daily commitment and how you did in February in keeping that commitment. Remember, this is not about who hands out the most tracts, has the most one on ones or anything like that. It is simply about recognizing the God’s great commission applies to you and commiting to Him what you will do to follow it.

Whether your commitment is to hand out one tract a day or have 100 conversations with people per day, we encourage you to share your commitment and then report back next month with how you did. In the meantime, if you’d like encouragement to share the gospel each day, you can follow Bezeugen on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram and participate in the daily tract challenges which provide fun ideas of how to share the Gospel each day.

Finally, I’d like to invite you to join our monthly Bezeugen Partners conference call where we get together on the phone and share updates on the ministry and then encourage one another to go and reach the lost.

Until next month!

Carl & Scott

The Everyday Club Report – February, 2015


Greetings Club Members,

The first month of the new year is behind us! We pray that you were able to meet your goals! Did you make new ones for this year or did you stay with what you purposed to do last year? We had a great time with the Daily Tract Challenges that we post on the Bezeugen Tract Club page. In Saturday the 31st, we had the Tract Challenge Scavenger Hunt. There was a list posted of all the tract challenges from January. Everyone had 24 hours to complete as many of the challenges that they could. The ones who did every challenge receives 250 tracts. If they did more than me, the prize was doubled. Two did all 31: Beth Morris and Molly Lovell. Carl did 30. I did 27. This was really encouraging! We plan on doing this again in the future. Read about this on the link above.

We are continuing to grow on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Out goal is to encourage others in reaching the lost. Please read Landon Chapman’s encouraging post on his blog, Entreating Favor. Tracts are effective in witnessing!

How did you do for January? Please leave your comment below the blog post. Have a great February. Let’s win someone to Jesus!

All For Souls,

The Everyday Club Report – January, 2015


Happy New Year!!

2015 is here, offering more opportunities to share the Gospel! We pray that you met your goals for 2014. Please tell us your goals for the new year and leave them in your comments below the blog post. If you are new to the Everyday Club, here is a brief summary of what the club is all about: Each person can commit to however much (or little) evangelism that they want to do. This evangelism comes in the form of handing out tracts, one on one conversations, going door to door and even open air preaching. The idea is to follow the Lord’s direction and share the Gospel Everyday! At the beginning of each month, everyone leaves a comment on the Everyday Blog post about how they have done for the previous month. This is a great way to encourage each other! Read about how the Everyday Club began here

If one of your resolutions is to witness more, you are in the right place! We encourage you to hand out tracts, reach out to souls, and be a bold witness for Jesus! On our Facebook page, daily tract challenges are posted. These are shared also on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Our new mission statement is “to equip and encourage believers in Jesus to share the Gospel. Let’s encourage each other in this great work that God has entrusted to us.
Please leave your report for December in the comments below the post. If you are new, let us know your goals. Thanks!
Have a great new year!

All For Souls,

The Everyday Club Report For October


Greetings Everyday Club Members,

October is over! We pray that you had another great month of sharing your faith. Halloween gave us many opportunities to get the Gospel out in tracts and witnessing. Let us know in your comments what you did with trick or treaters this year.
Here are a few things that are going on with the Bezeugen Tract Club Facebook page: We are posting tract challenges everyday. Check in to see different ones like “Give a tract to someone wearing a red shirt.” Several have commented how the challenges have encouraged them. We are giving away tracts to some who are leaving the most comments.

Help us get to 1000 likes by sharing our page. The 1000th member will split 1000 tracts with the person who referred them! And ask them to join the tract club at the same time at www.BezeugenTractClub.org
where you can still get 30 free tracts a month.

The “Give Thanks” tract is a great tract for the Thanksgiving season. It was in the November tract club mailing. It can be ordered through One Million Tracts by going to Bezeugen Tracts.

Please leave your comments below the blog post about how you met your commitment of sharing the Gospel in October. Have a great November!

All For Souls,

The Everyday Club Report For September


Greetings Club Members,

September was another great month to witness about our wonderful Savior! We pray that you met all of your evangelism goals. In many places, fairs and carnivals took place. We had an outreach at our local fair, where he gave out over 600 tracts. We had several good conversations, also. In the October tract club mailing was the new “What happens after #YOLO?” tract. I have been having a great time using this one to start conversations by asking people what happens after they live once. Most respond by saying, “You die.” Then I ask, “What happens after you die?” I’ve had various responses that have led into great witnessing encounters.
We are getting ready for the State Fair Of Texas Gospel Outreach on the 18th of this month. I was able to go last year the first time. We will be working the booth with students from the School of Discipleship at Gospel For Asia. Read about last years outreach here
Also, one of the most popular days for evangelism is coming up this month – Halloween. The “It’s A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” tract was in the October mailing, also. This one can be ordered through One Million tracts here:
Please leave your report below this post on the As You Go blog. Have a great October!

All For Souls,

Using The “$1,000,000,000 Eye Test” Tract


Another tract that was in the October tract club mailing is the “$1,000,000,000 Eye Test” tract. This was modified from the first time that it came out. The front asks the question “Would you trade one of your eyes for one million dollars?”. We will be using this one at the State Fair Of Texas Gospel Outreach on Oct. 18 where we will be asking people to take the million dollar eye test. Here’s a dialogue to use when giving out this tract:
“Would you trade one of your eyes for a million dollars?
Person: “I don’t believe I would?”
“What about both eyes for one hundred million? You could see the world!”
Person: “Definitely not!”
“Your eyesight is precious, isn’t it? How much more valuable is your soul?”
Person: “It’s valuable.”
Then, you can transition into taking them through the good person test or ask them to read the back of the tract. This is a great way to get someone to think about their eternal condition…..
As You Go!


The Everyday Club Report For August


Greetings Everyday Club Members,

How was your month in witnessing? We are having a great time with the daily challenges on the Bezeugen Tract Club Facebook page. We’ve had challenge to give a tract to someone wearing a hat, holding a cell phone, or wearing a name tag. And… we have sent prizes out to selected winners who have participated!

A new tract called “What Happens After #YOLO” is coming out in the October tract club mailing. We’ve been asking people if they know what YOLO means. A lot know that it stands for “You Only Live Once”. This is good springboard into a Gospel conversation.

Local and state fairs are about to to be in full swing. These are great places to give out tracts and have one on ones! Are you planning on going to a fair soon? Let us know when you leave your comment for August at the bottom of this post on the As You Go Blog. You are welcome to join us at the State Fair of Texas on October 18th.

Thanks for your commitment to share the Gospel with the lost everyday! Have a great September!

All For Souls,