I can’t decide if Christmas or Easter is a better time to share the Gospel. I guess both are
great. As Paul wrote to Timothy “in season and out of season.” We were at the mall at lunchtime today. With each person we asked “do you know what the Easter Bunny has to do with Easter?” Some could not care less. Some said no and wanted to know the answer. But, I told them that I did not know either. Then we came across the Easter Bunny booth a the mall. We were just chatting with each other and talking about how we should give a tract to the Easter Bunny. Then the Easter Bunny motioned for me to come over. So I waled over and handed her a Hoppy Easter Tract and asked if we could snap a picture. You’ll see that the Easter Bunny is actually holding up the tract in the picture! I got to share with her and the guy running the booth the true meaning of Easter. Now look below to see a close up shot of the tract!

Going on from the Bunny we came to the ice skating rink. I wish I had gotten a picture, but the Zamboni had rabbit ears and a nose on it and said on the front “Zanbunny”. That of course lead me to strike up a conversation with the guy working at the counter. He was a self proclaimed agnostic. We asked him to consider the truth of the Bible and what would happen if he feel short of God’s standard of perfection. They even had 11 rules of the skating rink posted right there by his cash register and it made a great analogy with the Ten Commandments. I invited him to call us and we’d buy him lunch and talk some more.
We also shared the Gospel using Easter as the segway with a Hindu man. He received a tract and an invitation to join us for a meal to talk more.
Please pray for all those we talked to and that they would repent and believe the Gospel.