As You Go

The Biggest Gamble At McDonalds


I ate lunch with my family at McDonald’s today. With the hype about the big lottery jackpot, I had The Biggest Gamble? as my tract of choice. I gave a worker named Phillip one as we were going in.Our order-taker got one, too. I gave one to Willie as he was leaving. He said that he wasnt a Christian. Please pray for these souls!

The Biggest Gamble At The Chevron


The Biggest Gamble Tract


The Biggest Gamble is a new tract that is geared toward the gambler. People gamble with their souls everyday. You will be able to get this one FREE in the May mailing of the Bezeugen tract club. I put the one in the picture on a lottery display at a Circle K. I also gave this tract to twin brothers at Walmart earlier this week. They are definitely “gamblers” that need the Lord!

The 20 Tract Challenge


I challenged myself again this evening to give out 20 tracts as I went through Walmart. I gave one to Stan, Staten, and Rafael. I gave Rafael a Get Out Of Hell Free tract one night when my friend and I were witnessing after we had been evangelizing at the bars. I saw him as I was leaving Walmart today. I gave him another tract. Please pray for him to turn to the Savior!

The 10 Tract Challenge


I challenged myself to give out 10 tracts at lunchtime today. I gave out 15 : 3 at Super One and 12 at Walmart! I talked to a man named Justin who had a cross tattoo on his forehead. He told me that he went to church, but that salvation was a process. I told him that the Bible teaches that we can know that we are saved. I gave him a Mancard and asked him to seek the Lord for the assurance of salvation. Challenge yourself and see what happens!

Bulletin Board At Johnny’s Pizza


Ideas For Using The Hoppy Easter Tract


Easter is almost here. The stores have put up their Easter displays of candy and colorful clothes. The Easter Bunny will be hopping up everywhere. The Bezeugen Tract Club has a great tract for this wonderful celebration of our Lords resurrection. The Hoppy Easter Tract can be passed to someone when wishing them a Happy Easter. This may give you an opportunity to explain the real meaning of Easter. Notice, that in the photos, the tract blends in with its colors.There are countless displays waiting for a Hoppy Easter tract! This is a great time to energize your desire to evangelize! Jesus is alive! He left the empty tomb to fill our empty hearts! Let’s tell them about our resurrected Lord!

The Change Machine


This is a good place to leave a tract because it will probably be taken when someone gets their change. The change machines at the car wash are ideal. There are plenty at the mall. Prayerfully, the one who picks up the tract will put it in a pocket and read it later.

Mom at the store


I got this encouraging note in my email from a tract club member who hands out tracts at the store while shopping with her children:

We use your tracts in everyday life though, especially at the grocery store.  The children and I split them up and my oldest gets the kids near his age, my middle daughter gets kids her age, and my three year old is so cute, he gets the more intimidating looking people, and I usually give to the moms.

After leaving the store she heads to the bank…

I also always give one to the bank teller and leave one for the next person in the drive through and always give it to the checker at the grocery store, and they usually remember me the next time, then I can ask what they thought of the tract.

About tracts, she writes:

Tracts are the easiest way for me to witness right now since I always have my three children with me and can’t really do “street evangelism” anymore.  We live next to a park though and there are always pre teen to teens there without parents, just hanging out, so we hope to start talking to them. Several of the kids recognize me and come to me when injustice is done; I’m not sure where their parents are, but I feel it gives me an open door to talk to these children. There is also soccer practice there so we are going to give out the soccer tracts you sent as well.

We pray that her commitment to handing out tracts and her ways of getting the Word out will be an encouraging model for you to follow! If you need tracts, please enroll in the Bezeugen Tract Club and we will send you 30 FREE tracts per month and the encouragement to go hand them out.

Attention Walmart Shoppers!


Walmart is still one of my favorite places to witness! While shopping with my family last night, I gave out several Mancard tracts, Get Out Of Hell Free cards, and $1,000,000 pesos. The highlight of the night was when I talked to Terrance in the parking lot as we were leaving. I gave him a Get Out of Hell Free Card. I asked if he knew where he was going when he died. He said that we can’t know. I told him that the Bible teaches that we can. I asked him to read the tract as I bid him farewell.