As You Go – on a plane
Tract club member Joseph Davis shared this story with me about handing out tracts on a recent plane flight. I was so encouraged, I just had to share it. Joseph writes:
I went to the Shepherding Conference (John MacArthur’s Grace To You Church in Calif) in early March and on the Dallas to Burbank flight I was able to say to the flight attendant as I got on the plane, “Will BIG MONEY get me good service at the back of the plane?” I then popped out the GIANT $100 bill from LIVINGWATERS.COM and she started laughing. I told her it was hers to keep and then asked if she really needed more money and she said yes and I gave her a Trillion Dollar bill. She died laughing and when a person laughs others always look to see what they are laughing at so I used the opportunity to ask as I walked through first class “Does anyone need any money?” I was able to give out several more Trillion Dollar Bills in First Class. About an hour later she came back to where I was sitting and thanked me for the tracks and asked if I could come up to first class and talk to her about what the tracks said. I said I would be honored. I was able to fly first class for about an hour as I took her through the Scriptures explaining sin, salvation, etc. and I did this using the Law and answering her many questions. She said she was saved but had a lot of sin in her life. She was not going to church, living with a person of the opposite sex, etc. She assured me of her salvation so I lovingly encouraged her to read her Bible, quit living in sin and find a Bible believing church in the area she lived and start serving the Lord. She said she was going to do that. WHAT A JOY IT IS to give out tracks and share Christ with people!
Do you have your own “As You Go” experience that you would like to share with the group. Please post it as a comment, or send me an email so I can post it as a new entry. Thanks, Joseph, for sharing this!