Office Max
February 8, 2011 Uncategorized
Went to office max to make copies. Left an afterlifecatalog pen in the supply draw. Gave another pen to the person working the copy center and a tract to the cashier.
February 8, 2011 Uncategorized
Went to office max to make copies. Left an afterlifecatalog pen in the supply draw. Gave another pen to the person working the copy center and a tract to the cashier.
February 8, 2011 Uncategorized
Went to Starbucks and left an AfterLifeCatalog pen on the table.
October 25, 2010 Uncategorized
This text can be copied.
This text can be copied.
October 19, 2010 Uncategorized
Spent the day chillin’ out. No tracts distributed.
There are however, 31 days in October and only 30 tracts in the tract club mailing to hand out.
October 19, 2010 Uncategorized
Went to the mall for lunch and some witnessing. Gave out several football trivia tracts.
Also had a wonderful one on one conversation with Rohan, a muslim man who works at the cell phone kiosk. We were able to walk through a number of scriptures with him to show him what the Bible says about what happens when you die. He was under the impression that the Bible and quran said the same thing, but he came away understanding that it is different. I gave him a “True False” tract that is coming in the November tract club as well as a New Testament.
September 21, 2010 Uncategorized
Had lunch and dinner at two different malls! Weird, I know! At lunch we meet up to do some witnessing. I got to use the Pocket Lie Detector again. And we had some great one on one conversations. Handed out at least a half dozen tracts.
At dinner time we met up with out prayer team at another mall and had dinner, fellowship and a time of prayer for the ministry. We handed out a few tracts and left tracts on the table after dinner.
September 17, 2010 Uncategorized
I was listening to Mark Cahill’s sermon called give while driving to the mall to meet a friend for lunch. Mark was talking about how it is more blessed to give than receive. He talked about buying lunches, subway tokens and the like and giving them away with a Gospel tract.
So after I placed my order at sonic I prayed and decided to try it. A guy had just ordered at the next register. I said I’d like to buy your lunch. He asked why and I told him that the bible says it is more blessed to give than receive. He said thanks. I handed him a football trivia tract and said there is a gospel message on the back. He said thanks again and said wow it even has football on it.
Sure feels great to serve our awesome God!
This was also my first time to take the Pocket Lie Detector out to the mall. Read the Bezeugen BLOG to see how some conversations went using this new witnessing tool.
September 16, 2010 Uncategorized
It’s a good thing that there are plenty of Starbucks locations. I’ve been to a number of different ones this week. Today I ordered a latte, then gave the cashier a “good card“. He said “thanks” and gladly took it.
Have you noticed the response that people give when you hand them a tract. I think the common misconception is that people will not be interested in the tract or that they will be offended that you offered to them. My experience is the opposite. The overwhelming majority of people will take the tract and when they do say “thanks”! Try it! The tract you give someone could save them for all eternity.
Not convinced? Please check Brady’s testimony and the Frank Jenner story.
September 14, 2010 Uncategorized
Craig, Todd and I met for lunch at the mall. I was handing out Dallas Cowboys Trivia tracts as I entered the mall and while ordering lunch at in the food court. I would simply ask “do you like the Cowboys” and if they said yes, I’d give them the tract. One guy said “no, I like the Steelers” so I gave him a different tract.
While waiting for Terriaki Chicken to be grilled, Todd and I had a good dialog with the cook. I started by asking what came first, the chicken or the egg. Even though I did not have any of our “which came first tracts” with me, it still made a good discussion starter. When I shared with him that Genesis 1 indicated that “God created everything according to it’s kind” he got very interested. He handed me a piece of paper and asked me to write down the verses that said that. So I did. I gave him the paper and a tract. The conversation was edifying to both of us.
After lunch, I talked to a guy named Masu. He was from Napal and had just graduated from BYU. He had some interesting stories about how the Mormons tried to convince him to get baptized and so forth. I asked him what he would be doing next. Graduate school, he said. I continued on that line of questioning through marriage, having children, retiring, moving back to Napal and eventually death. This is a line of questioning that Mark Cahill talks about in his book “One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven”.
Masu is a hindu. I got to share the Law and Gospel with him. I asked if he had a Bible. He said, no, but I have a book of Mormon. I went to my car and got him a Bible and gave it to him. Please pray that he reads it. I put a bookmark at the Gospel of John for him.
I thought it might be fun to just track the tracts I handed out today and report on it here. Please feel free to leave a comment which how you handed out tracts in a day.
1) we ate lunch at Qdoba so I gave a Get out of Hell free tract to the cashier
2) I spent a few hours working from Starbucks. Gave a Bucket List tract to the cashier.
3) Put a 2+2 tract on the community bulletin board.
4) Gave Get out of Hell Free tracts to two guys that were sitting near me
5) went to the grocery store to get something for my wife. Gave a Get Out of Hell free card to the guy behind me in line
6) gave another get out of hell free card to the cashier
7) gave a name ten beers tract to the guy working in the parking lot who was collecting the carts
That’s seven tracts in one day just handing them out as I came across people. You can do it too. Need some tracts? Enroll in the Bezeugen Tract Club and we will send you 30 tracts per month and the encouragement to hand them out! Need more tracts than that? You can order any of our tracts in bulk!