December 15, 2011 Uncategorized
pI am sitting in the lobby at the community college waiting for my son while he has his saxaphone lesson. A student walked up and asked for directions to a particular classroom. I told him I had no idea where it is however I had a free gift for him. I handed him a Christmas tract and wished him Merry Christmas. /p
December 15, 2011 Uncategorized
pI was at the counter at the post office. A woman was in the next line writting the address on the box she was mailing. The pen she was using ran out of ink. So she said, “can I steal your pen” and took the pen from the cashier helping me. I pulled one of our soon to be released Ten Commandments tracts out and handed it to her and said, “just a reminder that stealing is a violation of the Ten Commandments.” She took the tract and said she would read it. /p
A number of you who follow this blog know that I like to go bike riding. Sometimes when I ride I get to talk to people. Either they are other bike riders or they might be driving their car, have the window down and we get to chat at a stop light or something.
I’ve been asked if I use those opportunities to hand out tracts. Sadly, no, I had not.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have shared the Gospel one on one in these settings. But I don’t normally have tracts with me when I ride my bike.
Today was different. As I was leaving home I grabbed a few tracts and brought them with me.
At mile five I pulled up to a light next to a guy in a Jeep who had the top down. “Did you get one of these?”, I asked as I handed him a get out of hell free card. He took it. We chatted for a second. Then he was able to turn right on red and was gone.
I’ll news to get something to put some tracts in as carrying them was a bit of a trick. But this looks to be another viable way to share the Gospel “as you go.”
Here is an easy way to distribute Gospel tracts. Take those business reply envelopes that come in the mail, put a tract in them and stick them back into the mailbox.
We don’t often think about or realize that God provides the exact tracts He wants us to carry and hand people. I got two reminders this weekend.
Saturday after a football tournament here in Columbus, OH, I went to speak to a father of an injured child who had traveled from Indiana to play. As I gave him directions to a local Urgent Care I pulled out my wallet (I keep bezeugen tracts there, they fit nicely) in order to give him a tract and my card in case he needed to contact me. I was quite pleased to find a ‘football trivia’ tract I had forgotten was in my wallet! I found this quite appropriate for the moment and was grateful to God for providing!
Then yesterday evening I met a young lady at an ice cream parlor who was taking my money for the ice cream. She had a necklace with a cross and I told her I liked her necklace and asked her if she would consider herself a Christian. Her response was something to the effect of, “Yes, I go to such and such church, and I have a tattoo of a cross on my back.” I’ll admit, I made a sweeping generalization that this wasn’t the type of response I’d expect from a truly born-again sister in Christ. I was again pleased by the Lord’s graciousness and mercy to me as He had caused me to bring the DZHENOU (Does He know you?) tracts with me that day. I handed her one and told her not to read the back until she figured out the puzzle on the front. I thought a tract that would cause her to question what it means to really know and be known by Christ was perfect…
but I really can’t expect any less from our God.
Brother and sister evangelists – God’s hand is on all your work for Him – keep it up!
While visiting brookstone at the mall we tested out their new electronic whiteboard with a message about eternity.