Happy New Year! It seems like December flew by with all the Christmas activities that took place! We pray that everyone had a blessed and Merry Christmas as we celebrated the birth of Jesus! Now it’s time for those new year resolutions! As people wish each other the best for the new year, they often ask if they have made any resolutions for the new year. Why not resolve to make 2014 your boldest year yet of sharing the gospel?
As you resolve to share your faith more in 2014, let us offer a few practical ways that Bezeugen can help:
• Use your Bezeugen Tract Club tracts everyday “As You Go”.
• Follow the “As You Go” BLOG (www.bezeugen.org/asyougo/) for ideas and encouragement on how to use the tracts everyday “As You Go”.
• Attend the Basic Evangelism Training Seminar online or in person (www.bezeugen.org/seminar/)
• Join the 100 Challenge (www.bezeugen.org/100/) to go door to door by making the commitment to SPREAD (www.bezeugen.org/spread/) the Gospel in your neighborhood.
• Follow Bezeugen on Twitter, Like us on Facebook to get daily encouragement to share the Gospel.
•Encourage your friends to enroll in the tract club @ www.bezeugentractclub.org
How did you do in December? There were so many opportunities this month to give out tracts and share the Gospel. Did you evangelize at a parade? Did you give out tracts at the mall or stores as you shopped? Was there a special place where you open air preached? Did you have a divine appointment where you knew that God had you in the right place at the right time? Please leave your report in the comment section below. Have a great January! Once again, Happy New Year!
All For Souls,