July 26, 2014
Did you know that you can make Gospel tracts fly? A tract can be tied to the end of a balloon to possibly land in someone’s hand. I bought this one at Dollar tree when I was getting balloons for my daughter’s birthday. This one is perfect for the Are You A Good American? tract. Who knows where it went. Prayerfully, someone that needed to be saved got it!
July 12, 2014
While waiting for service on my vehicle this morning, I am looking for places to leave tracts. There’s a table full of magazines where I will leave a few before I go. This display invited the Are You Ready? tract to blend right in! There are many tract opportunities everywhere ….. as you go!
June 22, 2014
Those in the tract club should have received the tracts for July by now. Included in this months supply are two new tracts: the John 3:16 tract and The End. Celebrate Freedom is great for the 4th of July. Are You Doing Today What You Are Created To Do? is a great conversation starter. If you want to order more when you run out, go to onemilliontracts.com
250 tracts can be purchased for $18.00.
June 16, 2014
At the car wash or any vending machine where change is dispensed awaits a tract slot! Why not leave a tract there that can help CHANGE someone’s eternity!
May 16, 2014
On of the tract club members in our area sent me this picture tonight. He had left this Play By The Rules tract at Dick’s Sporting Goods. This is a good one to leave at this type of store. It can be used to start a conversation with someone that is into sports. Play The Rules is one of the four tracts in the club mailing for June.
April 20, 2014
If you haven’t joined the Bezeugen tract club yet, .go here to enroll
30 free tracts will be sent every month to encourage you to give out at least one a day. These are well received and great for starting witnessing conversations. They are easy to carry in your pocket or purse. I keep some of mine in a smart phone case. They can be left in various places, too. The ones in the photo are for the month of May. Join today. What are you waiting for?
April 13, 2014
I love witnessing to people from other countries. I speak some Spanish and keep Spanish tracts with my everyday stash. I give tracts to Hindus when I can. While I was working in Ruston a few weeks ago, I gave door hangers to two men from Nigeria, a Buddhist, and a man named Cho from China. I had a great day of witnessing on Saturday. I showed the Card Now app to Yung, a young Buddhist man, at Walmart. He seemed interested when I gave him the Hoppy Easter tract. We can reach out to everyone with the Gospel … as we go!!!!
February 25, 2014
I go to prison ministry at least once a month. At the end of service, I give out a bag full of literature and tracts. The Bezeugen tracts are well received. I have had men who were working in the kitchen come out to ask for a tract. They were listening while they were working.
This Is The Verdict is a good tract to take in there. They know what a verdict is. In taking Several with me on Wednesday night. Prayerfully, some will realize the verdict that is against them, be convicted, and get born again!
January 19, 2014
When traveling it is a great opportunity to hand out some tracts. Here are some places I’ve given them out the last couple days:
- cashier at gas station when getting a cup of coffee
- in the credit card slot at the gas pump
- let tracts on the tables around the hotel
- stuck tracts in magazines in the hotel lobby
- gave tracts to each hotel employee I met. Had several conversations
- Shared tracts with the guys at the other side of the gas pump island while filling up with gas