September 1, 2015 Uncategorized
Greetings Club Members,
September is here! We pray that everyone had a great August while sharing your faith with the lost. This month in the tract club we have the Tract Tracker contest. Here is a description of the contest – On the back of this month’s letter is a “tract tracker” which will allow you to keep track of the tracts you hand out each day. Fill out the Tract Tracker to track your progress. On October 1st, return the form to the ministry by either mailing it in the enclosed envelope (post marked October 1-15) or by scanning it and email the form to Some prizes will be awarded.
For more information click here.
During the month you can follow daily BLOG entries at and the Social Media sites with updates.
The Rangers/Cowboys Outreach took place on Saturday, August the 29th. About 5,000 tracts were distributed between the two games. Please pray for those who took tracts.
Also, several outreaches will be taking place in October. One will be on the 17th at the State Fair of Texas Million Dollar Eye Test booth. Read about last year’s outreach here.
Let us know how you did last month in the comment section below the post on the As You Blog. Have a great month reach out to the lost!
All For Souls,
There are always places to leave tracts for others to pick up and read. Businesses have card holders where Bezeugen tracts fit in. Counters are welcoming ro tracts. Gas pumps have built-in tract slots. Beer cases are easy to slip tracts in. The list is endless! One can be creative with opportunities to leave tracts behind.