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Greetings Members,
Another month is here to witness for Jesus! We pray that everyone had a great September. Did you track your tracts with the Tract Tracker that was for the Tract Tracker contest? It was a great way to keep up with the tract that you used each day. Please send in your form if you haven’t done so. Prizes will be given away.
October seems to be fair outreach month! We had a team of seven go out last night at the Ark-La-Miss fair in Monroe, La. At least 1700 tracts were taken with many conversations taking place and open air preaching.
On October the 17th, we will be participating in the State Fair of Texas Gospel Outreach. This will be the fifth year to be with the students from Gospel For Asia to witness with tracts and take people through the Million Dollar Eye Test. Read about last year’s outreach here
Eternity:Where? is a new tract that was sent out in the October club mailing. Look for MyCard in next month’s supply. We pray the God will use these tracts for His glory.
We are continuing to grow in our social media presence. Check us out on Periscope as we broadcast about various aspects of the ministry. The Everyday Club is on Facebook, encouraging everyone to witness everyday. Don’t forget about the daily tract challenges and scripture pictures on the tract club Facebook page.
Let’s have a great October in sharing the Gospel! Please leave your comments about your evangelism efforts for September below this post on the blog.
All For Souls,
September 28, 2015 Uncategorized
Bezeugen Tract Club
#DailyTractChallenge Share one of the four tracts that were featured in September! Download here.