December 17, 2015 Uncategorized
Special #DailyTractChallenge The new Star Wars movie will be playing tonight!Der Zeuge says “Play this for a tract challenge message!”
December 1, 2015 Uncategorized
Der Zeuge Elf first joined Bezeugen in December 2015 to offer #DailyTractChallenges leading up to Christmas. Now he’d back with 25 more challenges to help encourage you to share the Gospel for the next 25 days. Check back daily for each challenge. Share the challenges with your friends to encourage them to share the Gospel every day too! Register your guess of how many tracts are in this picture by midnight on December 1st for a chance to win these tracts! Winner is closest guess without going over! And even if you don’t win, you and your friends can get free tracts by registering for the Bezeugen Tract Club at