February 1, 2017 Uncategorized
You can evangelize with the Super Bowl Football Trivia Tract from Bezeugen Ministries. You don’t have to leave your house! Download from here
Share anywhere in cyberspace, using the Super Bowl or football hashtags. Share and let us know where you shared on Super Bowl Sunday!
January 29, 2017 Uncategorized
I had a great time participating in the 3rd Annual #DailyTractChallenge Scavenger Hunt yesterday, meeting 26 of the 28 daily tract challenges for January. I only missed the burgundy shirt and headphones or earbuds. I met Gary in the foyer at Walmart. He asked me for change. I gave him the million dollar eye test tract. He had already received a ministry card earlier. A man has gave him a New Testament, also. I told him that God was reaching out to him. I talked with Jerry and a man who was wearing black outside. Jerry was homeless. They both took a Seinfeld million. I gave out two Spanish Yolo tracts; one went to a woman who asked me to get tortillas for her which were on the top shelf. Cornell took a tract when he was behind me at the pharmacy. My last tract went to Demetrius at the laundry mat. He was wearing a white shirt.