Another trip to the gas pump
October 21, 2020 Uncategorized
As I’ve mentioned before, I fill up a couple times a week… and always leave a tract.
October 21, 2020 Uncategorized
As I’ve mentioned before, I fill up a couple times a week… and always leave a tract.
October 20, 2020 Uncategorized
I was at the post office to check the PO Box. I noticed this tract balanced on the molding. And no, this isn’t a tract I had left there previously. It was really encouraging to see that others are sharing the Gospel too.
Before leaving the tract there i took some pictures of the insides. See below.
October 19, 2020 Uncategorized
When I taught my sons to drive one of the things they learned was how to pull up the to gas pump and fill up the car. Swipe the credit card, select the type of fuel, start the pump. Then, and most importantly, put a tract in the credit card slot for the next customer.
Since I typically fill up with gas once or twice a week this is a regular way to share the Gospel for me.
October 18, 2020 Uncategorized
At work we often talk about the need for others to know what you do so that in case one day you are not there to do it. I used to use the phrase “in case you get run over by a truck”. One day one of my direct reports asked “why am I always getting run over by a truck?” Point taken. Since nost also don’t want to think a out getting let go, I have changed my line to imply they are gone because they “won the lottery!”
Well, I digress to a point. People play the lottery for a number of reasons. Probably one of those is to have a better future. Most people think having more money would provide that better future. The reality is that their vision is too short sighted. The future goes all the way to eternity. That’s why I left tracts in English and Spanish on this lottery kiosk. It’s and easy way to get the Gospel out by simply putting a tract or two there.
In order to engage with those not on Facebook, we are returning to our roots of the Everyday Club with this BLOG post. You may feel free to comment below with how you did last month sharing the Gospel everyday and what your commitment is for April.
December 21, 2019 Uncategorized
‘Twas the last Saturday before Christmas and all over the world, people are shopping for boys and girls;Searching out for last minute gifts; fighting the traffic and many other rifts.When all of a sudden, someone received a tract, telling of salvation and a sobering fact; That Jesus came to forgive of sin and that sinful man can be born again.So, let’s go out to crowds while there is still time; to witness to someone who is standing in line.Someone sitting on a benchSomeone who even may be a grinch. Someone shopping at a mall.Someone who is short. Someone tall.Witnessing opportunities await you and I. Let us go while their is still time!Go Michael! Go Jim! Go Carl! Go Bob!Go David! Go Rosie! Go Kim! Go Rod!Go to the highway and hedges to compel them to come; to let them know why the Savior is born!Jesus was born on that Silent Night to shatter the darkness with His Holy Light; giving light for all to see the he is the Gift of God for eternity!
October 26, 2019 Uncategorized
Another State Fair Of Texas Gospel Outreach is in the books! As always, we had a great day of sharing the Gospel from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM. We had several new workers who were encouraged by the ministry of tracts and one on one witnessing. We probably gave out in between 5,000 and 6,000 tracts that included Minion millions, Uncle Sam millions, Are You A Good Person?, Get Out Of Hell Free, Yolo, Rock And Roll Trivia, May The Lord Be With You, The Ten Commandments, Play By The Rules, bookmarks, and several others. We took many through the Million Dollar Eye Test, showing the law and grace. Those who came through the day to man the booth were Carl, Craig, Arnold, Matthew, Jennifer, Scott, Hayden, Paige Cervantes, David Brock, Mary, Betty, Jim Wolfe, Emma, Rob and Rebecca (from Gospel For Asia), Jaba, Marti, Maria, Michelle, and Mark. We appreciate every one who came out to help! Please pray for fruit from this outreach!
We appreciate the partnership with the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship and their hosting this booth every year at the State Fair of Texas. This is an event that with bathe in prayer for months in advance. Planning for us starts more than six months in advance working with them to reserve our date to staff the booth, then inviting people to attend, working out the logistics of the schedule, travel, etc. It’s a great day of fellowship with good friends and new friends. People that come down Nimitz Blvd at the fair grounds are intrigued by the “million dollar question”. Some will walk up and ask what it is. We explain it is a quick, painless test to establish the value of their eyes. They agree to continue. What they soon find is their eyes are valuable and their soul is even more valuable to them. It is interesting that no one argued with us about whether they even had a soul. They accepted that as fact.
Throughout the day we had the opportunity to hand out thousands of tracts. Some were read. Some people heard the Gospel verbally. Praise the Lord, some repented and trusted Christ. Others rejected the Gospel (at least for now) as evidenced by the torn up tract (pictured above) and some other tracts we saw disposed of in the garbage or littered on the ground. But we give thanks that they heard the Gospel even if (for now) they reject it.
Some who came to the booth indicate they know they will go to Heaven because they have repented of their sin and trusted Jesus. We often invite these to join the Bezeugen Tract Club and start receiving Gospel tracts each month so that they can share the Gospel. This year at least five people have joined the Bezeugen Tract Club since the fair that had come by that day! It is encouraging to us that they were encouraged!
My favorite part of the day is observing people share the Gospel sometimes for the first time. The booth provides a setting where people can practice witnessing. Below are some testimonials of the participants that staffed the booth.
This is from Paige Cervantes –
This year was so amazing! I saw God really speak to several people. Even though I witnessed a couple of people showing their hostility towards God, I had the privilege of witnessing to a lady (I’m going to butcher her name – Hepziba) who had never heard of Jesus and she wanted to put her faith in Jesus that night! I had Betty pray with her. God is so good! I met many born again Christians who thanked me for what this group was doing! God definitely heard my prayers for boldness because, even though I was a little nervous, I had so much confidence. I know it was God! All the glory goes to my Lord and King!!
(I have been on a spiritual high all week long!)
This is from Jim Wolfe –
I believe that the booth at the State fair provides a way to get the Gospel out to many people that may not hear the Good News of Jesus Christ any other way. I had several fruitful conversations with a variety of people. I am so grateful for those involved in providing us with an opportunity to share the gospel at such a large venue! Thank you so very much! May God Bless You!
From Mark…..It was a great pleasure going fishing for Jesus last Saturday. Also it was encouraging watching brothers and sisters in Christ at work. A special thanks to The Full Gospel organization and all leaders / organizers. Great job!!!
From Arnold….
We had great time at the fair. We had an opportunity to speak to many people about the gospel. Many seeds were planted and we’re asking the Holy Spirit to continue the work in these people’s heart. It was a great time of fellowship.
From Betty…
This was my first year to volunteer at the FGBMF Booth at the TEXAS STATE FAIR, 2019.
Other than trying to find my way through the massive Police street blockages to get to the Will Call Booth for our entry tickets, the whole experience was THRILLING. Leading a young lady in a Prayer for Salvation and celebrating with her for her Born Again new life in Christ was the high point of the event for me. Also confirming the salvation of a mother and her young son was so special, too. I enjoyed helping to pass out thousands of tracks to passers-by, also. I definitely want to volunteer again next year. Thank you for the excellent training and coordination of the volunteers. God Bless you for assuming these responsibilities and providing these opportunities to grow The Kingdom Family!
From Rob….
I very much appreciate the gospel outreach booth and the opportunity it affords for us to share Christ with thousands of people. Many people came to the booth and were genuinely interested in having spiritual conversations. In 2.5 hours, I was able to share the gospel personally with about 12-15 people, and several of them were responsive.
I asked one group of four boys where their souls would go when they die. One said, “I think it would just roam around,” another said, “I might go to hell,” and a third said, “reincarnation.” They were quite open to hearing the gospel, and I gave one of them a Bible. Two ladies I talked to were seeking and asked for us to follow up with them.
September 21, 2019 Uncategorized
While waiting for my wife and daughter, I gave a Thank You tract to the two Starbuck’s employees when they gave me a free cup of coffee. Two Target employees took the Greatest Gift tract. I placed a few tracts in the sports merchandise section. Three women who were going into the Halloween store took the Get Out Of Hell Free tract. Brea took one in front of Ross. I had a conversation with Jay when he took the Yolo tract.
Today is PrIme Day on Amazon! When you shop at prime day on Amazon and use, register Bezeugen Ministries as your ministry of choice and we will receive donations from your transactions! Thanks!!!
We had a great time of evangelism at the 2019 CenturyLink Star Spangled Spectacular tonight in Monroe, La. Thanks to all who prayed! My youngest son and I gave out nearly 750 tracts and bookmarks with only two rejected. One family remembered receiving Minion millions last year. Two lesbian couples took bookmarks. One man, Josh, remembered me giving him a tract at Little Caesar’s about two months ago. We saw my friend, Theresa, who was saved a year after me. She frequented the same night club that I was at the night I wrecked my truck on New Year’s eve ’92. I invited several people to join the tract club. We saw several people who have got glasses where I work. 4 men took the Rock and Roll trivia tract. I explained to a few what we do. Please pray for the seeds that were planted tonight! Let’s go with the Gospel!